Addon: Audible - (2024)








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Addon: Audible


By Nsane 2024-08-09 11:21:52


An audible queue system for...

Debuffs landing or wearing on you or enemies.
Monster SP's, most are commmented out, important ones are active... feel free to uncomment the one's you want.
Buffs wearing off of you and ones you placed on others, this include's all spells and job abilities.
Sortie call outs for bosses, base around the nuking strat.

Some other random call outs,

  • When an enemy starts casting Dread Spike.
    Immunobreak or Completely Resist.
    Out of Ranged for anything.
    MP is too low for the current spell.
    Treasure Hunter 8+ Procs.
    Ran out of Tools or Ammo.
    You've completed an Trial.
    Luopan was Destroyed.
    Trying to use something while medicated.
    Multiple dispel, basically for RDM Neck... If you only dispel one buff it will tell you which buff it was.

Some things that are in there that have been blocked commented out because of annoyance,

  • Stoneskin... WHM cure solace.
    Dia... You will hear it land on you but not the mob. Seem's to be most peoples pulling or tagging spell.
    Flash... PLD Tanks.

*** Obviously You can comment out anything you dislike or find annoying ***

The only thing that will trigger an audible call-out is with in your party, not alliance, you can make this alliance wide by changing line 40 from "if g == 1 then" to "if g == 1 or 2 or 3 then"

You will be hearing buffs being removed that you place on others, one person did not like this so there is a blocked comment on line 152, if you would like this option... block comment line 151 and unblock comment line 152.

Download can be found on my Github


Addon: Audible - (6)zeta

Addon: Audible - (7)


Posts: 55

By zeta 2024-08-09 19:42:17


Been doing something very similar to this with Chatmon plugin for years. Will check this out since chatmon parsing text strings is slow. Least how it was explained to me.

What about adding custom chat lines yourself?

Addon: Audible - (8)Bahamut.Negan

Addon: Audible - (9)


Server: Bahamut

Game: FFXI

user: Negan

Posts: 2114

By Bahamut.Negan 2024-08-09 19:47:26


zeta said: »

Chatmon plugin

Incoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tYou've been examinedIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tYou've been examined<CALL><CALL>

On voice chat is the best!


Addon: Audible - (11)Nsane

Addon: Audible - (12)


By Nsane 2024-08-09 20:35:48


zeta said: »

Been doing something very similar to this with Chatmon plugin for years. Will check this out since chatmon parsing text strings is slow. Least how it was explained to me.

What about adding custom chat lines yourself?

I used to have this all Chatmon, but I found it would randomly fire off a call out for something I didn't want it to, Buddy said this is how you can read incoming packets, once I understood a little bit about how the incoming packets work I took everything from my chatmon and made it packet based, found it to be much faster and accurate.

As for your question you would have to be more specific in your question, to add some custom lines for what specifically? Everything can be added from in game text dialog to people yelling. They all have different packets to parse though.


By zeta 2024-08-09 20:57:59


Bahamut.Negan said: »

zeta said: »

Chatmon plugin

Incoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tYou've been examinedIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tYou've been examined<CALL><CALL>

On voice chat is the best!

I play with headset and push to talk so no one hears. :)


Addon: Audible - (17)Bahamut.Negan

Addon: Audible - (18)


Server: Bahamut

Game: FFXI

user: Negan

Posts: 2114

By Bahamut.Negan 2024-08-09 21:00:19


zeta said: »

Bahamut.Negan said: »

zeta said: »

Chatmon plugin

Incoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tYou've been examinedIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tIncoming tYou've been examined<CALL><CALL>

On voice chat is the best!

I play with headset and push to talk so no one hears. :)



Addon: Audible - (20)zeta

Addon: Audible - (21)


Posts: 55

By zeta 2024-08-09 21:03:00


Nsane said: »

zeta said: »

Been doing something very similar to this with Chatmon plugin for years. Will check this out since chatmon parsing text strings is slow. Least how it was explained to me.

What about adding custom chat lines yourself?

I used to have this all Chatmon, but I found it would randomly fire off a call out for something I didn't want it to, Buddy said this is how you can read incoming packets, once I understood a little bit about how the incoming packets work I took everything from my chatmon and made it packet based, found it to be much faster and accurate.

As for your question you would have to be more specific in your question, to add some custom lines for what specifically? Everything can be added from in game text dialog to people yelling. They all have different packets to parse though.

Nsane said: »

zeta said: »

Been doing something very similar to this with Chatmon plugin for years. Will check this out since chatmon parsing text strings is slow. Least how it was explained to me.

What about adding custom chat lines yourself?

I used to have this all Chatmon, but I found it would randomly fire off a call out for something I didn't want it to, Buddy said this is how you can read incoming packets, once I understood a little bit about how the incoming packets work I took everything from my chatmon and made it packet based, found it to be much faster and accurate.

As for your question you would have to be more specific in your question, to add some custom lines for what specifically? Everything can be added from in game text dialog to people yelling. They all have different packets to parse though.



<trigger match="*Peach Power*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\eventShout.wav" /><trigger match="*PLAYERNAME learns*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\Spell.wav" /><trigger match="*objective* remain*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\ObjectiveCompleted.wav" /><trigger match="*Rune of Transfer Activated*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\FloorComplete.wav" /><trigger match="*Time remaining*|*Your visitant status will*|*expelled from dynamis in*|*left in limbus*|*remaining to complete the battle*|*You have * minute* (Earth time)*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\TimeRemaining.wav" /><trigger match="*too far away*|*out of range*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\TooFar.wav" /><trigger match="*unable to see*|*you cannot see*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\SeeTarget.wav" /><trigger match="*skill rises*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\SkillUp.wav" /><trigger match="*You have completed Trial*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\TrialCompleted.wav" /><trigger match="*obtained*Bayld!*" from="All" sound="C:\Windower4\plugins\ChatMonAudio\Bayld.wav" />

Addon: Audible - (22)Nsane

Addon: Audible - (23)


By Nsane 2024-08-09 21:32:39


I was gonna include these, but I found every time SE decides to add more "Message ID"'s to the game you have to update the the numbers. Which is not hard, just a bit annoying, obviously I still have them, but didn't want to be ask constantly for them to be updated.


--These need to be updated once in a while after a maintenance if they add additional "Message ID"'s into the game.--These need to be updated once in a while after a maintenance if they add additional "Message ID"'s into the game.--These need to be updated once in a while after a maintenance if they add additional "Message ID"'s into the game.if id == 0x02A then local resting_message = packets.parse('incoming', data)local zone = windower.ffxi.get_info().zoneif T{139, 144, 146}:contains (zone) and T{40516, 40747, 40470}:contains (resting_message['Message ID']) then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Loud Thud.wav")elseif T{139, 144, 146}:contains (zone) and T{40517, 40748, 40471}:contains (resting_message['Message ID']) then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Thud.wav")elseif T{139, 144, 146}:contains (zone) and T{40518, 40749, 40472}:contains (resting_message['Message ID']) then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Noise.wav")--Abyssea Vistantelseif resting_message['Message ID'] == 40107 and resting_message['Param 1'] == 1 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/1min.wav")elseif resting_message['Message ID'] == 40107 and resting_message['Param 1'] == 5 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/5min.wav")elseif resting_message['Message ID'] == 40107 and resting_message['Param 1'] == 10 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/10min.wav")elseif resting_message['Message ID'] == 40107 and resting_message['Param 1'] == 30 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/30min.wav")endendif id == 0x027 then local string_message = packets.parse('incoming', data)--Nyzul Timeif string_message['Message ID'] == 40128 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Activated.wav")elseif string_message['Message ID'] == 40088 and string_message['Param 1'] == 1 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/1min.wav")elseif string_message['Message ID'] == 40088 and string_message['Param 1'] == 5 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/5min.wav")elseif string_message['Message ID'] == 40088 and string_message['Param 1'] == 10 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/10min.wav")endendif id == 0x036 then local npc_chat = packets.parse('incoming', data)--Nyzul objectivesif npc_chat['Message ID'] == 7372 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Boss.wav")elseif npc_chat['Message ID'] == 7373 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Leader.wav")elseif npc_chat['Message ID'] == 7374 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Family.wav")elseif npc_chat['Message ID'] == 7375 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Lamps.wav")elseif npc_chat['Message ID'] == 7376 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/SpecEnemy.wav")elseif npc_chat['Message ID'] == 7377 then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/All.wav")elseif npc_chat['Message ID'] == 7378 then coroutine.sleep(1.45) windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Avoid Discovery.wav")elseif npc_chat['Message ID'] == 7379 then coroutine.sleep(1.45) windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Dont Destroy.wav")endend

Yells can be added like this


if id == 0x017 then local incoming_chat = packets.parse('incoming', data)--Yells if incoming_chat['Mode'] == 26 thenif windower.convert_auto_trans (incoming_chat['Message']):lower():contains ('mireu') then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Mireu.wav") elseif windower.convert_auto_trans (incoming_chat['Message']):lower():contains ('peach power') then windower.play_sound (windower.addon_path .. "FFaudio/Peach.wav")endendend

In general though you would need to learn how to use Packetviewer addon, looks complicated from the readme, but just follow through the ReadMe and you'll pick it up fairly quick.


Addon: Audible - (25)zeta

Addon: Audible - (26)


Posts: 55

By zeta 2024-08-09 22:11:22


Out of curiosity wouldn't user being able to do text strings allow for more flexibility or no? Since you mention message IDs and they changing sometimes.

Addon: Audible - (27)zixxer

Addon: Audible - (28)


Posts: 277

By zixxer 2024-08-09 23:20:43


I've been using Nsanes add-on for a couple of months now. And if Nsane uploaded the same thing he gave me, it also calls out what to proc for Aita, Aminon, and Gartell.

Might be echoing what's been said in the OP but it has a lot of useful cues, when someone casted dia on the mob, when food runs out, when mob uses dread spikes, when a buff expires, when you are unstunned. I also like that it tells me when a JA expires like "invincble off" or "yaegesumi off" so I don't need to look at the icons.

Ultimately similar to chatmon system but more comprehensive out of the box. He painstakingly made sure the audio files are pre-loaded, which he tells me, could take some time.

Try it for your next sortie run. :)


Addon: Audible - (30)Nsane

Addon: Audible - (31)


Original Post - Hide

By 2024-08-09 11:21:52


An audible queue system for...

Debuffs landing or wearing on you or enemies.
Monster SP's, most are commmented out, important ones are active... feel free to uncomment the one's you want.
Buffs wearing off of you and ones you placed on others, this include's all spells and job abilities.
Sortie call outs for bosses, base around the nuking strat.

Some other random call outs,

  • When an enemy starts casting Dread Spike.
    Immunobreak or Completely Resist.
    Out of Ranged for anything.
    MP is too low for the current spell.
    Treasure Hunter 8+ Procs.
    Ran out of Tools or Ammo.
    You've completed an Trial.
    Luopan was Destroyed.
    Trying to use something while medicated.
    Multiple dispel, basically for RDM Neck... If you only dispel one buff it will tell you which buff it was.

Some things that are in there that have been blocked commented out because of annoyance,

  • Stoneskin... WHM cure solace.
    Dia... You will hear it land on you but not the mob. Seem's to be most peoples pulling or tagging spell.
    Flash... PLD Tanks.

*** Obviously You can comment out anything you dislike or find annoying ***

The only thing that will trigger an audible call-out is with in your party, not alliance, you can make this alliance wide by changing line 40 from "if g == 1 then" to "if g == 1 or 2 or 3 then"

You will be hearing buffs being removed that you place on others, one person did not like this so there is a blocked comment on line 152, if you would like this option... block comment line 151 and unblock comment line 152.

Download can be found on my Github

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Addon: Audible - (2024)
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