Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (2025)

Improving XI Graphics For Dummies
A comprehensive guide to upgrading from 4:3 aspect ratio. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Setting Up

• Find your Nasomi Install Folder, it should be similar to:

• Open the ToolsUS folder.
• Open Final Fantasy XI Config.exe
• Disable the Gamepad under Gamepad Settings if you don't use it, this should reduce delay and rubberbanding issues.
• Enable Mip Mapping.
• Set Textures to Uncompressed, Fonts to Uncompressed, On-screen Maps to Uncompressed.
• Enable Bump Mapping.
• Set Environmental Animation to Smooth.


Configuring Ashita

These screenshots are from Ashita v3, Nas runs on Ashita v2 but most of the functions should be the same.

• To configure Ashita, open it, right click and Edit Configuration on the preset you want to configure (Or Add New Config and edit that.)
• Adding --user Account Name --pass Password to the Command line logs you into the game on launch.
• Go to Window.
• Set the Menu Size and Window Size to your native resolution.
• You can set the Background Size to double your native resolution for smoother graphics (for example 1920x1080 would be 3849x2160), but doubling the Background Size is more intensive on your GPU. If your FPS drops too low after doubling it, change it back to your native resolution instead.
Windowed Mode will allow you to tab out of the game without crashing it.
• Enabling Show Border should show the border around the window with the close/minimize buttons, but I normally disable it because weird shit happens with the menu in game when you enable it with doubled Background Size.

Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (1)

The Game tab has the same settings as the Final Fantasy XI Config, but the executable changes the registry files, so all your Ashita configs load with the same settings because they're set to Use Registry Value by default. If you want different graphics settings for different configs (like lower graphics for your dbox chara) this would be a good way to do that.

Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (2)

The settings above are the same as my recommended edit of the XI Config, with the exception of extra settings for Mip Mapping. 1 is the default available when enabled in the XI Config, if you really wanna max out your graphics you can change Mip Mapping to it's highest setting (6) in the Ashita Config; but it supposedly causes considerable losses in performance, so if you start having lag issues lower it to 1 or 2.


Loading Addons and Uncapping FPS

To load addons and change FPS on login, go to C:\Games\PlayOnline\Ashita\scripts and edit Default.txt

Any addons you have downloaded should be placed after Load Common Addons so it looks like this:
/wait 10
/addon load Distance
/addon load FPS
/addon load TParty
/addon load DrawDistance
/drawdistance setworld 20
/drawdistance setmob 20

Plugins go under Load Common Plugins so it looks like this:
/load WindowerInput
/load Addons
/load Screenshot

These commands go under Set Common Settings in the same file; only choose one of the /fps 1-2 options:
/fps 1 -- Sets FPS cap to 60
/fps 2 -- Sets FPS cap to 30 (Default)
/fps show -- Removes the red FPS monitor on startup, but you can re-enable it by toggling F12.

All commands can be typed into the chat box in game to enable them.

There are certain areas where DrawDistance seems to cause low FPS, mainly The Sanctuary of Zi'tah, Promyvions and maybe Pashhow Marshlands. You can change the set distance in game by typing the /drawdistance setworld and /drawdistance setmob commands into the chatbox and setting the number lower (1 is the default).


Setting Aspect Ratio

• Aspect ratio options are in the game Config menu.
Config > Misc 2 > Background Aspect Ratio
• You can find your aspect ratio by searching for an online calculator and typing in your background resolution.
• You can find your background resolution by right clicking on your desktop wallpaper and choosing Display Settings.


In Game Settings

Gameplay > Inventory Sort > On
Misc > Shadows > High
Misc > Weather Effects > On
Misc 2 > Footstep Effects > On
Misc 3 > Area Display > On (Enables an area graphic for AoE spells and abilities)
Misc 3 > Status Icons > Party Icon Display > On (Enables you to see party buffs above the chatbox)

Misc > Icon Type > 2 (If you're using XI View)
Misc > Damage Display > Both (Enables damage text above mobs)
Windows > Shared > Window Effect > Off (Disables the animation and makes menus appear instantly)

Having Shadows set to high can affect performance, reduce or disable this feature if you're having lag issues. Weather Effects also has this problem, and can be disabled under Config > Misc > Weather Effects.


Configuring Chat Logs

This is personal preference, but to make combat logs easier to read I split my chat into 2 windows and change the font colours to make buffs, debuffs and resists more clear.

Splitting your chat logs into two windows:
• Go to Config > Windows > Shared > Horizonal/Vertical
Config > Windows > Shared > Window 1 > Adjust Window Width to your desired length.
• Repeat for Config > Windows > Shared > Window 2

Window 1 Social Chat:
• Go to Config > Log > Window 1
• Enable all the filters in Chat
• Disable all the filters in For Self
• Disable all the filters in For Others
• Enable all the filters in System

Window 2 Combat Logs:
• Go to Config > Log > Window 2
• Disable all the filters in Chat
• Enable all the filters in For Self except Actions you evade
• Enable all the filters in For Others except Actions others evade
• Disable all the filters in System
This is one way to reduce the spam from the dysfunctional chat filters.

Changing the colour of combat logs:
• Go to Config > Font Colors > For Self
• Edit Beneficial effects you are granted
• Edit Detrimental effects you receive

• Go to Config > Font Colors > For Others
• Edit Beneficial effects others are granted
• Edit Detrimental effects others recieve
• Edit Effects others resist

To give you an idea, here are some of the colours I use.

For Self:
Beneficial effects you are granted:
Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (3)

Detrimental effects you receive:
Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (4)

For Others:
Beneficial effects others are granted:
Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (5)

Detrimental effects others receive:
Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (6)

Effects others resist:
Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (7)


Macros & Equipsets

Equipset is a QoL update that didn't exist during the ToAU era, but is a rather nice feature on Nasomi. You can utilize it in your macro sets to make gear swapping easier for weaponskills and spellcasting. You can find it under Macros > Edit Equip.Set.

Here's an example of equipset used in combination with the "oldschool" gear swap macro:

Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (8)


Mod Installation

To install mods, extract the files from their .zip folder and copy paste the ROM folders into your FFXI directory. Most of them come with backups if you change your mind, but for the ones that don't you should make your own backups before installing. Close the game before you install these.

You'll find the ROM folders here:
Should you ever mess up any of these steps and need to reinstall, make sure you backup the USER folder in the same directory; it has all your macros, gearsets and chat filters in it. Just copy paste the backup into the same directory after your fresh install is done.

For dat files that don't come with instructions you can install AltanaView and locate the file at the bottom of the window, the directory shown is for the last drop down box you've selected, so if you want to use a new face dat, select your current face from the drop down box and then swap the file listed. Always make backups before you swap dats out using this method.

Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (9)

XIView - A cleaner UI mod.

Miscellaneous HD Mods - Most are by Kireek, I personally use these because I like that they don't stray too far from the XI aesthetic.

FFXI HD Overhaul - HD zone overhauls and ReShade settings by Amelila, the textures are quite big and can affect loading times. ... 7aQ/videos

FFXI Dats Website - Salvaged dats from FFXI-Dats before it went down, most aren't great quality but there are a few decent dats here.

Neko-Sentai - NSFW There's also a dat section here, but I recommend not browsing it if your S/O is watching. Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (10)

AltanaView - Model Viewer ... jfmZylhKIo


Fixing Lag for Laptop Users

Newer laptops with Nvidia graphics cards run XI via the CPU instead of GPU, doing a write up on this will finish later.


Dualboxing Performance Increase

Project Mercury - Boosts CPU priority on the active window, potentially reduces dualboxing lag. ... ty-booster


Swapping Between Servers

Right click and Edit the .bat files, make sure that all the paths are changed to the correct install folder. When you're done save the file and Run as Administrator to swap between servers. There's always a risk that something may not work and mess up your install so use at your own peril.

Nasomi and Eden: ... oAeuSQKJ9R

Nasomi and Retail: ... Kx8ossJ8z_

(Not 100% sure this still works)

Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (11)

Improving XI Graphics For Dummies (2025)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.