Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (2025)

Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (1)

Radiate and feel good about yourself again

Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (2)

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  • Highest quality

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  • NVCG certified

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  • Personal attention

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  • Natural result

How does a Facelift S-Lift proceed?


Consultation with the doctor/surgeon


Consultation with the doctor/surgeon

A Facelift S-Lift is always preceded by several consultations with our plastic surgeon. You have every opportunity during the non-binding consultation to ask your questions in a personal conversation. And to express your wishes and expectations about the treatment. Our surgeon Dr Thanya Tha-In will assess whether a facelift is a suitable treatment for you and which type of facelift gives the best results. You will be given all the information about the facelift treatment and you will be explained the entire treatment process, from precaution to aftercare. You will be told what final result you can expect from the treatment. Photographs will be taken beforehand and laid next to the post-surgery photos. This allows you to nicely see the natural result of the facelift.

To understand where you are coming from and why you want a Facelift S-Lift, we like to take the time to get to know you well first. The most important thing about the whole treatment is that we understand what your needs are. Do you want a natural result, appropriate to your age? What are your major pluses and minuses? How is the symmetry of your face? By getting to know you, we understand what you want. At the end of the day, it's all about you, and you get to take your time with your decision. We rebalance your innerbeauty and your outer beauty.

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Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (8)

A Facelift S-Lift is an outpatient treatment, which does not require admission. You may return home after the procedure and a short rest period. However, you are not yet allowed to drive. In this case, please bring someone with you to our clinic or have someone pick you up by car after the treatment. Various facelift treatments are performed under anaesthesia in our clinic: an S-lift or mini-lift, a more extensive MACS lift and an extensive neck facelift. Excess skin in the face and possibly the neck is removed.

The treatment time depends on the type of facelift. The S-lift takes about 1.5 hours. Here, only the skin of the cheek is lifted. The first result is visible after just 1 to 2 weeks. The final, natural result shows itself after a few months to a year. The result lasts for a long time. Skin ageing does continue. A facelift can be repeated after 10 to 15 years.

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We are happy to guide you through the entire treatment and healing process. We work with a specially developed pre- and after-care protocol, so that you are maximally prepared and have a good recovery. Your face will be somewhat swollen and feel tight for several weeks after the facelift. After your treatment, you will be given a medication schedule so that you know exactly when to take what. The swelling and bruising will disappear on its own within a few weeks. For the first week to 2 weeks, get plenty of rest and sleep in the supine position on an extra pillow. This helps against swelling, reduces the risk of post-operative bleeding and promotes the healing process. Avoid pressing, squeezing, bending or lifting in the first three weeks. Do not engage in heavy physical exertion in the first six weeks.

You will achieve the best results and fastest healing with a healthy lifestyle. We recommend stopping smoking 4 weeks before treatment until 4 weeks after treatment. We advise against drinking hot drinks and chewing solid food intensively during the first week to prevent facial congestion. This may put pressure on the sutures in the face. Keep moving normally after the Facelift S-Lift to keep the blood circulation going and the wound healing quickly. You will be presentable again after two weeks and able to resume your daily social activities. In the first three months, do not expose your facial skin to bright sunlight or go under a sunbed or to the sauna.

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A facelift S-lift is a common surgical procedure at SkinSurgery Clinics, with a very low risk of complications. An allergic reaction, subsequent bleeding or infection may occur in some cases. However, this is rare as our highly qualified and experienced specialists work according to state-of-the-art treatment techniques and use the best instruments.

Occasionally, specific complications may occur such as nerve damage, asymmetry, hypertrophic (red, itchy) scars, hair loss or numbness of part of your face, which is usually not permanent. When in doubt, contact your treated doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics immediately. Our doctors/surgeons are readily available.

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Facelift S-Lift

Radiate again like never before. You deserve it.

Have you lost a lot of weight in a short period of time? A rapid decrease in weight can result in reduced skin elasticity, which can give an ageing appearance. At SkinSurgery Clinics, we are happy to help you achieve a fresher and more youthful appearance, without changing your authentic appearance. We would be happy to discuss whether an S-Lift/mini lift is right for you.

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Expert on the Facelift S-Lift

Have you lost a lot of weight in a short time? A healthy lifestyle is very important, but losing a lot of weight in a short time also has other consequences. Rapid weight loss can result in reduced elasticity of the skin, which can give an ageing appearance. We at SkinSurgery Clinics believe that inner and outer beauty go hand in hand. When you feel good in your skin, you also radiate this to the outside world.

A mini facelift (S-Lift) has the best results in people with mild signs of ageing, such as sagging skin, drooping cheeks or a sagging jawline. We are happy to help you reaslise a fresh, youthful look.

Free facelift analysis

Facelift S-Lift

Prices and fees

SkinSurgery Clinics is transparent in its prices. Costs depend on the treatment, prices include pre- and aftercare. Sometimes a facelift S-Lift is reimbursed for medical reasons. Ask your health insurer about the possibilities.

Free facelift analysis

Facelift S-lift 5000

Facelift MACS Lift 6000

Facelift 8500

Facelift and neck lift 10000

Mini facelift S-Lift

Facelift S-Lift reviews

View the results of the various facelift treatments performed by our specialists and find out what we can do for you. Using photos before and after treatment, you can clearly see the natural results of facial rejuvenation.


Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (12) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (13) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (14) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (15) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (16)

A nice and familiar feeling

She gave me the familiar feeling I had not had before this. The calmness she exudes, the time she takes for you and her honesty.

Marianne - Eyelid surgery

Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (17) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (18) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (19) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (20) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (21)

Very pleasant experience

The intake was very pleasant, time was taken and clear explanations given. The correction was done in a pleasant atmosphere and I am very happy with the result. Aftercare is also done carefully and with attention. I benefited a lot from the app. All my questions were answered there and I was given good instructions.

Anonymous - Pubic lip surgery

Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (22) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (23) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (24) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (25) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (26)


The doctor and assistant are super sweet, put you at ease and also very knowledgeable. The app of skin+surgery is also very nice to keep track of the recovery and you can always contact them with questions

Anonymous - Peeling

Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (27) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (28) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (29) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (30)

Zeker een aanrader

Peeling gehad, super geholpen met de behandeling. Vond het wel een beetje eng maar het resultaat is super mooi. Ik krijg veel complimenten over mijn mooie huid zonder pigment vlekken. Zeer goede nazorg ook. Zeker een aanrader.

Addie - Eyelid surgery

Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (31) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (32) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (33) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (34) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (35)


Anaesthetic unpleasant but everything painless afterwards. Fine and friendly guidance. Quiet environment with pleasant staff.

Mandy - Eyelid surgery

Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (36) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (37) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (38) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (39) Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (40)

Excellent service

I was 1000% pleased with the treatment. I was very well talked through everything and put at ease. I can't say anything about the end result yet, because I'm still wearing patches.

We are happy to assist you

Always the right facelift S-Lift treatment

High-quality team. Excellent aftercare. All they see is you beaming.

Free consultation

Dr Thanya Tha-In | Certified Cosmetic Physician and Surgeon

Dr Thanya Tha-In specialises in Chirugic Lift Facial, where high-quality care and natural results are always paramount.

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The Facelift Doctor

The Facelift Doctor offers an in-depth insight into facelift procedures and the psychological journey patients go through. The book is an indispensable resource for anyone considering a facelift or interested in modern cosmetic surgery.

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Your care path in one app!

Step into the world of personalised support and care with the innovative SkinSurgery Clinics app. In collaboration with Caro Health, SkinSurgery Clinics has developed a platform to continue providing the professional support you have come to expect from us, but in one secure environment.

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Care hotel van der Valk

Do you have a surgical treatment in mind or planned and are coming from far away? We understand that being brought and picked up is already quite an undertaking.

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Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (41)

Natural results with a Facelift S-Lift

The S-lift, also called a mini facelift or minilift, is the least invasive facelift and is suitable for people with sagging skin. Using minimal incisions, only the upper layer of skin around the jawline and cheeks is lifted. This is a different technique from the classic facelift or a MACS lift, which also lifts the underlying tissue layers (such as muscle, fat and connective tissue).

A mini facelift (S-Lift) has the best results in younger people with mild signs of ageing, such as sagging skin, drooping cheeks or a sagging jawline. But an S-Lift can also offer a beautiful solution if you have lost a lot of weight.

Free facelift analysis

Mini facelift S-Lift

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question that is not answered? Feel free to contact us Monday to Sunday, between 08:00 and 22:00, at the following number or email.

Then contact us now

Mon to Sun 08:00 to 22:00

070-200 20 70

Who is a suitable candidate for a facelift?

A facelift is suitable for people who want a natural change in their face, and want to remedy sagging that has developed over the years or after losing a lot of weight. The degree of sagging of the skin and underlying tissues determine whether a (mini) facelift is necessary. The surgeon will always assess which type of lift can give you the best results. The age for a regular facelift can range from 40 to 70 years, a mini-Lift/ S-Lift can be applied to younger as this is only excess skin in most cases. For us, quality and care is paramount, which is why we advise against surgical lifts after the age of 70. The reason is that due to age, the lower layer is often severely sagging and therefore cannot be lifted properly.

What is a facelift against pendulous cheeks?

A facelift is a treatment performed when the skin of your face is sagging due to age. During the procedure, the skin and underlying muscle and connective tissue are tightened and lifted. This gives your face, neck and jawline a youthful contour. Watch our videos below where Dr Thanya Tha-In explains exactly what a facelift entails.

Aftercare after facelift

Take plenty of rest in the week after your treatment. Make sure someone can help you.
Sleep in the supine position on 2 pillows. This reduces the risk of post-bleeding and swelling. It promotes healing.
In the first two weeks after treatment, do not press, push, lift or bend.
We advise you not to smoke until the sutures are removed. Smoking increases the risk of complications.
Avoid intensive chewing of solid food. This will put pressure on the sutures in the face.
Do not drink hot drinks, such as tea or coffee, to avoid facial congestion.
Swelling and bruising gets worse in the first three days and then slowly subsides.
It is wise to keep moving normally. This is good for circulation and wound healing.
Do not undertake heavy and strenuous work or sporting activities for the first six weeks.
Plan you socialising. Stay home for a week. The treated area will look blue, swollen and bruised for the first week. Scars may also be red and swollen immediately after treatment. This is sometimes a bit of a shock.
One to two weeks after a facelift, you are usually presentable again and can resume your social activities.
We advise you not to expose the scars to UV sunlight and/or the sunbed for 3 months after surgery.
Avoid emotional excitement. After a few weeks, everything will be fine.

What are the risks and complications?

With any surgical treatment, there is a chance of a complication. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the procedure and its possible complications. There is the risk of an allergic reaction, bleeding or infection. The chance of this is very small. Our instruments are single-use and of the best quality. We work with very fine needles and fine diathermy, so as to minimise trauma to the tissue as much as possible.Specific complications of a facelift are nerve damage, asymmetry, hair loss, formation of hypertrophic scars and numbness of part of your face. The latter is usually not permanent.

Who is a suitable candidate for a facelift?

A facelift is suitable for people who want a natural change in their face, and to remedy sagging that has developed over the years. The degree of sagging skin and underlying tissues determine whether a facelift is necessary. The surgeon will always assess which type of lift can give you the best results. The age for a facelift can range from 40 to 70 years. Although we recommend not doing a surgical lift after the age of 70. The reason is that with age, the lower layer is often seriously sagging and therefore cannot be lifted properly.

What types of lift are there?

Face slimming: this unique treatment consists of a combination treatment of liposuction neck and buccal fat removal. Faceslimming is suitable for people with a full face who want more definition in their face. This procedure is recommended when the skin quality is firm. By performing extensive liposuction of the neck, combined with buccal fat removal, the right accents are added to the face to make your face look slimmer and more youthful.

The S-Lift: this involves lifting only the skin of the cheek, which is why the procedure is also known as a 'mini lift' or 'mini facelift'. This technique is suitable up to a certain age and if sagging has been limited to the upper layer of the skin. If there is also sagging of the underlying tissue layers, the MACS-Lift or a facelift will be a better choice.

The MACS lift: here, not only the skin of the cheek is lifted, as in the S-Lift or minilift, but also the underlying supporting tissue is included ( the SMAS layer). This technique is suitable when the face is sagging on several layers. This is often from age 45 to 50. The jawline and neck are not included in a MACS lift.

Facelift: In a facelift, an incision is made in front of the ear and behind the ear. In the process, the skin and underlying connective tissue layer (the SMAS layer) are lifted. A Facelift is a more extensive lift than a MACS lift. In fact, in a Facelift, the jawline is lifted. This lift can be done according to different techniques such as a plication of the SMAS layer or a deep plane Facelift. Under surgeon will personally advise you which type is most suitable for you.

Face and neck lift: In a face/neck lift, an incision is made in front of the ear, behind the ear and under the chin. In the process, the cheeks, jawline and neck are lifted. Also, the underlying layers namely the SMAS layer and the neck muscles (the platysma muscles) are lifted using a special technique. In this way, the cheeks, jawline and neck are lifted in a natural and sustainable way so that you can enjoy the results for longer.

Neck lift with platysmaplasty: In the neck lift with platysmaplasty, the focus is entirely on the neck. An incision is made behind the ears and under the chin. After extensive liposuction of the neck, the neck muscles are lifted by suturing them together (platysmaplasty). This gives you a youthful, beautiful jawline without scarring in front of the ears. The face is not lifted in this procedure.

Signature Lift: A Signature lift is a unique facial lift performed by Dr Tha-in. It consists of a combination treatment of buccal fat removal, liposuction of the neck and then lifting of the face and neck. This lift not only tightens your face but also accentuates it at the right points to make you naturally more beautiful in a defined way. Dr Tha-in will be happy to discuss this with you personally.

What is a facelift?

A facelift is a treatment performed when the skin of your face is sagging due to age. During the procedure, the skin and underlying muscle and connective tissue is tightened and lifted. This gives your face, neck and jawline a youthful contour.Watch our videos below where Dr Thanya Tha-In explains exactly what a facelift entails.

Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (42)

Doctor Thanya Tha-In is one of the founders of SkinSurgery Clinics and studied medicine at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Thanya looks beyond the area to be treated and is genuinely interested in you as a person. With care and attention, she explains your options and is realistic in the expected result. This applies to treatment with injectables, but equally to surgery.

Dr Thanya Tha-In

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician & Surgeon

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Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (46)

Free facelift S-Lift analysis

Are you interested in a facelift S-Lift but unsure if you have the right indication? Our cosmetic doctors/surgeons give honest and personal advice based on your supplied photos. After the online advice, we will be happy to invite you for a no-obligation consultation tailored to your needs.

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Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (47)

Mini Facelift or S-Lift | SkinSurgery Clinics (2025)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.