Sunny‘s Adventures of Casper A Spirited Beginning/Transcript (2024)


  • 1 Opening/Casper arrives in Deedstown
  • 2 Meet Chris Carson and his dad
  • 3 A rally at Applegate mansion/The Ghostly Trio scares the protesters
  • 4 Sunny and her friends witness Chris being bullied/Chris get's rejected by the Ghostly Trio
    • 4.1 Kibosh discover's Casper's absence
  • 5 Sunny and her friends meet Casper/The Mayor threatens to fire Tim Carson
  • 6 The bullies try to get Chris in trouble/Shelia Fistergraff outraged by the news
  • 7 Casper, Sunny and her friends meet Chris Carson/Tim Carson hires Bill Case
    • 7.1 Chris Carson's open house/The Ghostly Trio send Casper away
    • 7.2 Chris, Sunny and her friends help Casper/Brock Lee gets detention
    • 7.3 Casper stops the robber/Tim Carson's refusal
    • 7.4 Casper, Sunny and her friends comfort Chris/Miss Fistergraff's visit
    • 7.5 Casper, Chris, Sunny and her friends prepare dinner/Bill Case plants a bomb
    • 7.6 Casper abducted by the Ghostly Trio/Chris runs away
    • 7.7 Chris and Ash get locked in the closet/Kibosh abducts the Ghostly Trio
    • 7.8 Casper, Pooh Bear and friends save Chris and Ash/Kibosh letting Casper and the Ghostly Trio stay
    • 7.9 Confronting Brock, Leon and Danny/Ending

Opening/Casper arrives in Deedstown[]

(The film opens to a ghost world there track and the ghost train appears, then we pan inside the ghost train where the ghost lady cries, another ghost passenger sneezes, a grouchy ghost passenger grumbles in his seat and a ghost dude sulking in his seat. Then we see a little boy ghost named Casper.)

Casper: (panicking) This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This is not happening. (a ghost passenger sneezed and falls backwards bumping behind a ghost dude) Whoa. I thought people only flew in dreams. That's it. I'm having a nightmare. (chuckles) Whew. Wake up, Casper. Come on. Snap out of it.

(Casper panics as he see's his hand, then he flies up to a grouchy ghost passenger.)

Casper: Hey, mister, what's goin' on? What happened to me?

Grouchy Passenger Ghost: Ah, scram, deadbeat. I'm in a grave mood.

Casper: (flies away from him) Sheesh. What's his problem? (Flies up to lady passenger) Um, where's this train going, lady?

Lady Passenger Ghost: (crying) The Processing Station. Now let me rest in piece.

(Casper flies up to the dude ghost passenger.)

Casper: Uh, excuse me?

Dude Passenger Ghost: Hmm?

Casper:(chuckles) But, uh, where am I?

Dude Passenger Ghost: That's simple, fog boy. (grabs Casper by the neck) Too close to me. (sticks Casper out the train window)

Casper: Oh, hey, hey! Let me go! (yelling) Oh, boy.

Dude Passenger Ghost: (laughs) Later, dude.

(Casper is tossed out the train window.)

Casper: Ow! (yelling after the ghost dude) What are you trying to do, kill me? (see's the ghost train heading for the wall) Oh. Oh, no, wait! Look out! You're gonna hit the...(the ghost train goes through the wall) Whoa. How'd it do that?

(Casper arrives in the human world.)

Casper: (reading the sign) "Welcome to Deedstown." Hmm. This looks like a quiet place. I hope someone here can help me.

(Casper flies into the town. Then we cut to a grocer placing tomatoes in his stand. Casper appears next to him.)

Casper: Pardon me, sir. I'm new here and--

Grocer:(holding his tomatoes) Well, welcome to Deedstown, sonny. (he turns to see Casper and screamed in fright) A ghost! (he squeezed the tomatos in his hands as Casper also screamed) A ghost! (he runs away from Casper)

Casper; (surprised) A ghost? Where? Ah, he must be seeing things. (he flies towards the car then two men stopped the car which caused Casper to fall inside the car) Hey, what's goin' on?

Men in car: (screaming in fright) A g-g-ghost! (They run out of the car in fright)

Casper: Hey! What's goin' on? Wait! Wait! Come back. Tell me what's happening!

(A woman scream in fright throwing her groceries out of her bag. All of the other townspeople scream in fright upon seeing Casper.)

Casper; What's everybody goin" crazy for?

(People panic while tripping over, A man hides in the tree. A woman gets in the back rack of the truck.)

Casper; I don't see any ghost. (a man climbs up on the pole) Me? I'm no ghost.

(A little girl sees Casper and screams loudly in fright which blew Casper like a wind storm. Then she runs off to hide.)

Casper; (shocked, while looking at himself) My feet! I am the ghost! (A little girl hides behind the pillar and see's Casper screaming) (shouting, while covering his ears flying away) No!

Meet Chris Carson and his dad[]

(The scene changes where the paper boy tossed the paper to front lawn of the house. Then we cut to the boy's bedroom where a 10 year old boy named Chris Carson digs out his dresser looking for a good shirt to wear.)

Chris: This is Captain Carson speaking. The uniform of the day is, um... the X-Files T-shirt! (puts his shirt on and puts his watch on his wrist, just then the smoke alarm goes off) (shocked) Dad's breakfast! (runs out of his bedroom, in the kitchen the burnt toast pops out of the toaster and Chris comes into the kitchen) T-minus four minutes and counting.

Tim Carson: I know! I know!

Chris: Dad, when did you go to bed?

Tim Carson: (coming into the kitchen) Early, 2:00 AM.

Chris: Dad! (tossed the toast to his dad and he catches it)

Tim Carson: What? I was working on these sketches. (Shows Chris the sketches) What do you think?

Chris: Nice, if you live on Ceti Alpha 5.

Tim Carson: (goes to the fridge) Hey, just what this town needs, fresh blood! (Chris goes to the cereal and squirts the orange squeezit then squirts the whipped cream in it)

Chris: (gets the cereal bowl) No! In with the food! Eat!

Tim Carson: (picks up the cereal and looks at it) Chris... I'm-I'm on a diet.

Chris: Fine. More for me. Oh, don't forget! Tonight's my open house at school. I really want you to see my poster.

Tim Carson: Yeah, as soon I tear down the old Applegate place.

Chris: Aw, not the mansion.

(Tim puts the sketches into his briefcase.)

Tim Carson: Now don't start.(walking up to Chris) It's the first phase of my plans of the town, and the mayor loves it.

Chris: But I like that old mansion. It's really spooky.

Tim Carson: No more supernatural stuff. (kissed Chris's head) I'll see you later.

Chris: Oh, don't forget! Tonight's my open house. (Tim leaves the house for work) Parents are manda...(sighs) tory

(Chris takes the doughnut and puts it on the plate then he sits down staring at the doughnut in the cereal bowl while spinning it.)

A rally at Applegate mansion/The Ghostly Trio scares the protesters[]

(The scene changes where the bulldozer truck drives to the Applegate mansion. The protesters carry the rally signs and they chant "Stop the demolition!" You don't have our permission!" the protesters are led by a woman named Sheila Fistergraff so she blocked the bulldozer's way.)

Sheila Fistergraff: Hold it, right there buddy! That's far enough. (the worker instantly stops) We won't trade our landmarks for crass, commercial eyesores! (the protesters cheer in agreement and Foreman Dave walks to the entrance gate) No, we won't! No more burger stands!

(The construction worker looks at Foreman Dave.)

Foreman Dave: Wait 'til Carson gets here.

(Tim Carson arrives at the Applegate mansion and he comes out of his car trying to settle the protesters.)

Tim Carson: Please, ladies and gentlemen. I have an announcement to make. Pleas, ladies and gentlemen. Just listen to me for one second. (climbs up the bulldozer) Ladies and gentlemen, we are not the enemy. (the protesters instantly stop chanting) We're just here to improve our town, and we're gonna do that by giving you a brand-new mim-mall.

(The protesters boo in disagreement.)

Man: We don't need another mini-mall!

Tim Carson: Please, ladies and gentlemen, the first thing we go to do is tear down this dilapidated wreck.

Sheila Fistergraff: (over megaphone) This house survived the decades, and we'll make sure it survives you.

(The protesters shout in agreement and Tim comes down from the bulldozer.)

Tim Carson: Look, lady, I mean cut me some slack. This place is fallin' apart. The best thing we can do is replace it with something useful.

Sheila Fistergraff: Like what? Another burger stand?

Protesters:(chanting) Not another burger stand! Stop the building, we demand! (Sheila smiles and nods her head at the protesters as the continued chanting)

Tim Carson: Ladies and gentlemen, whether you like it or not, in about two seconds, this place is gonna become kindling wood. (to Sheila) My apologies. (to, construction worker) Stan, level this puppy.

(Stan obeys Tim's command and he prepares to demolish the house.)

Sheila Fistergraff: Quick! The human wall!

(Shelia and the protesters block the bulldozer's way.)

Tim Carson: I'm calling the Sheriff.

Man: Go ahead! Try it!

(Stan stops the engine and shakes his head.)

Male voice: Ribbit.

(It reveals to be three ghosts called the Ghostly Trio. The thin ghost is Stretch, the portly ghost is Fatso and a ghost with two buck teeth is Stinkie. They are imitating frogs while sitting on the edge of the Applegate mansion.)

Stretch: Bull...

Stinkie: Doz...

Fatso: Er.

(Stan looks up to see the ghosts.)

Stretch: Bull...

Stinkie: Doz...

Fatso: Er.

(The Ghostly Trio hop up and become invisible. The invisible Ghostly Trio starts the engine and Stan becomes scared.)

Stretch: Bull...

Stinkie: Doz...

Fatso: Er!

Stretch: Don't you get it, bone bag? Bull...

Stinkie: Doz...

Fatso: Er!

(Stan comes out of his bulldozer terrfied.)

Stretch: Bulldozer!

(The constrution workers and the protesters including Sheila Fistergraff become scared as the Ghostly Trio terrorized the rally. Stinkie flies by the protesters.)

Stinkie: Gangway, fleshies! Let him through!

Man: Where are they?!

Man 2: Run for your lives!

(Stretch smiles, chuckles and winks at the camera while giving two thumbs up signs. Stretch makes a face taunting the woman as she attempts to hit him with the rally sign.)

Stretch: Missed me. Missed me, skinnard. (the woman accidentally hits Stan in the face) Ooh, he's down for the count. (Laughs)

(Foreman Dave rolls down and gets up.)

Fatso: Hey, fleshie, you're mine. (Fatso goes inside Dave's body) "Cause possession is 9/10 of the law! (Laughs)

Stinkie: (tickles under a man's chin) Coochie coochie coo!

Man: (scared) Get away from me!

Stinkie: You hate me. You really hate me!

Fatso: Simon says shake your body! (Laughs)

(The protesters scream and run with fright.)

Stretch: Oh, medic! We got a fleshie down!

Fatso: Coming, Doctor. I learned this trick from my mummy. (an invisible Fatso mummy wraps around Stan)

Stretch: It's a poltergeist party! (imitates noisemaker, laughs)

Stinkie: I know we're not in Technicolor, so how about Odorama!

(Stinkie inhales his bad breath to the protesters which them to react to the bad smell.)

Stretch:(driving the bulldozer) Hey, move it, pal! (laughs) This is a no-parking zone!

(The man quickly gets out of his car as the ripper smashes his car. The man screams with fright as Stretch picks up the smashed car with the ripper.)

Stretch: Tsk, tsk. See what happens when you don't set your alarm? (placed the car down to the ground) Well, at least you don't have a sunroof now.

(An invisible Stretch stops one of the construction workers.)

Stretch: Ah, ah, ah. Before you run off, pal, you better check under there.

Construction Worker: Under where?

Stretch: Exactly! A mega-wedgie! (gives him a wedgie)

Fatso: What a crackup! (The construction worker groans as he struggles to run.)

Stinkie: Uh-oh. my allergy.

(A woman screams in fright. Stinkie sneezed which caused the mucus to come out of his nose. The mucus landed on the protesters which caused them to react in disgust.)

Fatso: I told you were eating too much dairy.

(The protesters all run away with fright.)

Stinkie: Ghosts three, fleshies nothin'. (laughing) I love my job.

Stretch: Boys, the world is our oyster.

Stinkie: Our playground.

Fatso: Our love is here to stay.

(The Ghostly Trio fly into the mansion. Tim finished his phone call with Sheriff as he comes out.)

Tim Carson: Thank you. Okay, everybody, Sheriff's on his way, so you--(Tim see's that the protesters are gone) Wow. He sure works fast.

Sunny and her friends witness Chris being bullied/Chris get's rejected by the Ghostly Trio[]

(The scene changes to the town where four kids named Brock Lee, Leon, Danny and Jennifer riding their bikes.)

Danny: (taps Brock Lee's arm) Hey, Brock.

Brock Lee: Don't ever smack me, bug! (hits Danny)

Danny: Oww, but look. Creepy Chris Carson.

Jennifer: I hear he keeps spiders as pets.

Leon: Yeah. Probably eats them soon.

Brock Lee: Let's pay him a friendly visit.

(Brock Lee and his friends peddle to confront Chris. Chris reads his comic book while walking to school. Just then Brock Lee appears in front of him.)

Brock Lee: So, you're off to another weirdo convention?

Chris:(annoyed) Drop dead, Brock.

(Chris walks away, but he is blocked by Leon, Danny and Jennifer. Danny takes the comic book.)

Danny: (mockingly) Check it out. Chris is readin' about himself.

(They laugh with scorn, an annoyed Chris takes his comic back.)

Chris: You guys really need new material.

Brock Lee: (throws Chris's comic) Shut up, geek, or I'll pulverize you.

Chris: "Pulverize"? (sarcastically) Wow, Brock! A three-syllable word. Why on earth would Principal Rabie held you back a grade?

(Chris walks away, but an angered Brock Lee slams his bike to the ground. Then he grabbed Chris by his shirt.)

Brock Lee: (menacingly) I'm gonna love takin' you out wacko.

Sparky Sparkeroni: (Growls angrily)

(Sunny and her friends turn to see Chris getting picked on.)

Danny: What is that thing?

Leon: I dunno, but I don't wanna find out

(Suddenly the terrified protesters run by then Brock Lee and his friends run away. Chris hides behind the tree and see's a construction worker mummy wrapped.)

Chris: Definitely the work of the Ghostly Trio. (smiling) This, I've gotta see. (Leaves)

(We cut to Tim making a phone call.)

Tim Carson: Dave, it's Tim. Where's my crew?

Foreman Dave: They quit. Adios! Reservior!

Tim Carson: Dave, I need this house down.

Foreman Dave: Well, then, you got two options, Tim-- Find another outfit, or start huffin' and puffin.

Tim Carson: Look, you're the last demolition crew in town. If Mayor Hunt is posing in front of some rubble today, I'm dead!

Foreman Dave: Tough! We don't do ghosts--union rules.

Tim Carson: Dave, there are no such things as ghosts! (Dave ends the phone call) Dave? (Sighs)

(We cut to inside the mansion where the invisible Ghostly Trio turn on the lights.)

Stretch: (laughs) Man, are we good or what?

Stinkie: Yeah. Just like the U.S Scare Force. (the Ghostly Trio laughs in amusem*nt.) Hey, Fatso, lighten up, huh? I mean, go turn on the lights.

Fatso: Uh, yeah, I knew that.

Stretch: Did we ever spook them bone bags? (Laughs)

Fatso: Yeah. They didn't even stand a ghost of a chance! (Laughs while setting a fire in the fireplace)

Stretch: Boy, them fleshies sure can run!

Fatso: Ooh, I'll say. Maybe they take extra vitamin eek. (laughs)

(The Ghostly Trio become visible.)

Stinkie: Well, maybe we're just the best.

(Chris arrives at the mansion with his camera.)

Chris: You sure are! Say, "Cheese!

Fatso: Where?

Stinkie: Cheese!

(Chris takes their picture and they winced at the camera flash.)

Stinkie: We'll take three eight-by-tens. (he see's Chris and he's not happy) Hey, it's that snoop again.

(The Ghostly trio turn invisible.)

Chris: The mummy wrap was a nice touch, guys, but the wedgie, it seemed a bit overused. Don't you think?

Stretch: Who asked you, (yelling) nosy?!

(Stretch yells in Chris's face but he's not buying it.)

Chris:(scoffs) Nice try.

Fatso: (sarcastically) Ooh, it's Mr. Scare-Me-Not.

Stretch: (annoyed) Look, kid, how many times we gotta tell you? This is an exclusive club, and you ain't invited. (Chris takes his book out of his backpack) Hey, what's that?

Chris: (Looks into his book) Aha! This is a condemned building, and according to the Ectoplasma Britannica, (Stretch turns invisible) it's a public place.

(An invisible Stretch takes Chris's book.)

Stretch: Fleshies ain't supposed to have this. Where'd you get it?

Chris: (get his book back) The Spookier image catalog. (puts his book back into his backpack) So how come you guys decided to move here?

Stinkie: This ain't our home, hmm, though it is a nice location.

Fatso: Oh, yes, Excellent view, too. Something of a fixer-upper, though.

Stretch: (annoyed) Will you two shut your yaps?

(Stretch hits Fatso and Stinkie.)

Chris: Aww, come on, guys. I know a alot about ghosts. Let me hang with ya.

Stretch: (appears with a noose) Hang? You're a little late for that event, kid.

Stinkie: Besides, us pals with a bone bag? Don't make me laugh.

Stretch: Don't make me puke. (vomits)

Fatso: Don't eat beans around the campfire. (passes gas and Stinkie laughs)

(Stretch grabs Fatso by the neck and stretches him up and down.)

Stretch: Come on, guys.(they leave as Chris tries to follow and Stretch leans his head through the wall) Beat it, biped. You don't scare right. (flies away)

Chris: (to himself) Ghosts. What do they know? (looks at his watch) Oh, my gosh. I'm late for school.

(Chris picks his backpack off the chair and leaves.)

Kibosh discover's Casper's absence[]

(The scene changes back to the ghost world where the camera pans to the Ghost Central station where the ghosts laugh as a big muscular green ghost named Kibosh laughs evilly. A white ghost named Snivel comes flying out of the station. A ghost flew past him and he yells in surprise.)

Snivel: (reading clipboard) We got--(see's the train coming) Hey, aha! Ooh! Here they come.

(The train stops and the ghost passengers come out of the train as they complain quietly.)

Snivel: All right, all right, everybody. Settle down, folks. Settle down. I'm Snivel, and welcome to our Ghost Train Station, in other words, the station where we train you to be ghosts. Get it? (chuckles)

Lady Passenger Ghost: Uh-uh.

Snivel: Okay.(pulls down a wall of ghost pictures) Over the next few weeks, you, the rookies will be learning the A-boo-Cs of the ghost life. (Chuckles and the grouchy ghost passenger grumbles) Okay again. At which time, you will be issued a haunting license. All right, now you deadbeats, file through here! (Snivel and the passengers go to the entrance of the school) All right, everybody come on. What are you looking at? (the Passengers file through the entrance) Move I am Snivel. I told you, keep on movin'. March, march, march. (to ghost dude) You didn't laugh at my jokes. (the ghost dude shakes his head) (reads the clipboard) And the grand total is five. (shocked) Uh, huh?! Oh no! Who's missing? (pushes the buttons and reading the name) "Casper?"

(Snivel becomes nervous knowing the Kibosh would be furious. Kibosh furiously grabs Snivel.)

Kibosh: Did you say, "Missing," you little runt?

Snivel: Kibosh, Kibosh, uh, Kibosh! (he screams as he falls backwards)

Kibosh: (pulling the levers) I'm in charge here, and nobody skips training, (sits on his chair) especially little snot-noses named Carter.

Snivel: (flies up to Kibosh's office window) Uh, that's, uh, Casper, sir.

Kibosh: (shouting) Silence! When I want your help, (picks up the lever and whacks Snivel with it) I'll beat it out of you!

Snivel: Of course, O Mellow One.

Kibosh: Now, about this Castor...

Snivel: Casper. (stops himself) Uh, sorry.

Kibosh: How would it look if I, the mighty Kibosh, let some wide-eyed rookie run loose without any schooling?

Snivel: Very embarrassing, sir.

Kibosh: Embarrassing? It's disgraceful! (whacks Snivel which caused him to yelp) Almost as bad as losing track of those three worm-headed deserters. What were their names?

Snivel: Stinkie, Stretch, and, uh, Fatso, sir.

Kibosh: When I find those slackers, (bending the lever with his strength) I'll tie a sheepshank on their bedsheet butts.

Snivel: Your blood pressure, O Stupendous One.

Kibosh: (shouting) I have no blood! Now, find me this Casper...

Snivel: (scared) Oh, no.

Kibosh: And bring back his sorry, hooky-playing tush back here immediately!

Snivel: I'm outta here!

(Snivel flies off to the human world.)

Sunny and her friends meet Casper/The Mayor threatens to fire Tim Carson[]

(The scene cuts back to Deedstown, where Chris runs to school and runs past the old lady.)

Chris: Hi!

Old Woman: Oh, hello.

Casper: Uh, excuse me ma'am. (comes out of the tree) Can you help me, please?

Old Woman: Well, of course, but where are you?

Casper: I'm over here. Just don't be scared, OK?

Old Woman: Gracious me. Who would be scared of a little boy...(turns to look at Casper and get's really scared) G...g...ghost! (screams in fright and runs away without her walker) No! Help me!

(Sunny and her friends witness Casper feeling sad while feeling sorry for him.)

Casper: (sadly) I wish someone would just talk to me.

Sunny Starscout: Hello.

Casper: Hi guys, I didn't see you all coming.

Pipp Petals: Wow he’s a real ghost. I’m finally meeting a real ghost.

Hitch Trailblazer: We couldn't help see how sad you are.

Casper: (surprised) You're all not scared of me?

No, why should we be?

Casper: You see, I'm a ghost and those people scream and run away from me everytime they look at me.

(feeling sorry for Casper) Awww, I'm so sorry to hear.

Casper: So, who are you guys anyway?

  • Sunny Starscout: Well, I'm Sunny, and these are my friends.
  • Izzy Moonbow: Hi, new friends. My name's Izzy.
  • Hitch Trailblazer: Hitch is the name, sheriffing's the game.
  • Pipp Petals: I'm Princess Pipp Petals, but you can call me Pipp.
  • Zipp Storm: And I'm her sister, Zipp Storm, but you can call me Zipp.
  • Misty Brightdawn: Hi I’m Misty.
  • Sunny Starscout: And this is Sparky.

Sparky: (Sneezing)

Casper: I’m glad to meet you guys. (see's Sparky) and you to Sparky?

Casper: (chuckles) I didn't think so.

Ash Ketchum: So, you wouldn't mind my Pikachu, would you?

Casper: Not at all, Ash and not if you don't mind me being a ghost.

(smiling) Not at all, Casper. And it's a deal. (shaking hands)

(Casper goes with Sunny and her friends.)

(The scene changes to outside of the Applegate mansion where the Mayor of Deedstown see's the ripper's teeth.)

Mayor Hunt: Oh, this reminds me, I gotta see my dentist. Tim, the news is to record me giving a glorious speech in front of a flattened house, and it isn't.

Tim Carson: I know, Mr. Mayor. It's nuts. One second, my crew was raring to go. The next, they're hollering, "Ghost."

Newscaster: (confused) Ghosts?

Mayor Hunt: Oh, no, he's just jokin' around. He's a kidder, you know. (laughs) Tim, ghost rumors have been coming in to my office for the past month.

Tim Carson: Yes, Mr. Mayor, but most of them are prank calls. They're-They're kids. They're drunks. They're nut cases.

Mayor Hunt: My wife?

Tim Carson: And charming, intelligent women.

Mayor Hunt: Oh, my wife is very intelligent. It takes her an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes, I have enough trouble, keeping people from leaving this sad town, so ixnay on the ghosts.

Tim Carson: Yes, sir. I'm sorry about that.

Newscaster: Uh, Mr. Mayor, we're almost ready for you.

Mayor Hunt: Oh, I'm cool. (chuckles) Everything is cool. (to Tim, sternly) Now, you get that beat-up piece of lumber down by tomorrow, or you're finished.

(Tim felt stunned by the mayor's threat.)

The bullies try to get Chris in trouble/Shelia Fistergraff outraged by the news[]

(The scene changes to the Applegate Elementary School where all of the kids enter the school get ready for class.The school bell rang as Chris sits on the stairs reading his magazine. Then Brock Lee, Leon and Jennifer walk up to Chris.)

Student: Come on, you guys. Let's go!

Brock Lee; Hey, Chris. Hey, listen. (he among with Leon sits down next to Chris) Sorry about this morning, you know. Guess I missed breakfast or somethin."

Chris: Whatever.

Brock Lee: You know, I really like your oral report about the alien spaceship.

Chris: Then why'd you throw chalk at me?

Brock Lee: That was Danny, not me. I mean, I loved your report. Right, Leon?

Leon: Oh, yeah!

Chris: Thanks!

Jennifer: Well, of course you know Ms. Fistergraff liked it better than all of ours put together.

Chris: Well, I guess I got into it.

(Unknown to Chris it was actually a prank those bullies were pulling. Danny opens the school window and holds out a balloon preparing to throw it down to Chris.)

Brock Lee; You know my favorite part? When that soldier got slimed by that alien.

Chris: That was digestive bile.

Brock Lee: Imagine if that bad boy dropped on you from the sky.

(Brock Lee and Leon get up as Principal Rabie comes outside. Chris looks up and quickly gets out of the way. Danny drops the balloon which landed on Principal Rabie and he's covered with slime.)

Student: They got Principal Rabie!

Student 2: Ooh! They're gonna get it! (Principal Rabie looks up at Danny and Danny gasped knowing he's in trouble)

(Principal Rabie becomes furious and grabs Chris by his shirt.)

Principal Rabie: All right! Who's responsible for this?!

Jennifer: (stepping in) Well, he was really just sorta standing there, you know--

Brock Lee: (pointing at Chris) It was him, Principal Rabie!

( and stop to look at the scene of Brock Lee, trying to get Chris in trouble.)

Sparky Sparkeroni: (angrily)!!!

Come on, , we can't cause a scene.

(Brock Lee and Chris fight each other.)

Leon: Yeah, I saw it, too. It was Chris.

Principal Rabie: Enough! All of you go to my office at once!

Chris: (upset) It's not fair!

(Just then Sheila Fistergraff arrived at the scene.)

Sheila Fistergraff: Wait! Wait! Sorry! Excuse me! Excuse me! I'll take care of this one. He was tardy this morning.

Principal Rabie: Very well.

Sheila Fistergraff: Thank you, sir.

(Sheila takes Chris inside and then Principal Rabie grabbed Leon by his shirt.)

Principal Rabie: The rest of you, march!

(Principal Rabie escorts Brock Lee and Leon inside and Jennifer follows them.)

(The scene changes where Sheila takes Chris to the school office and she comforts him.)

Sheila Fistergraff: It's okay, Chris. I know you didn't do anything. In fact, I know that Brock and his pals have been picking on you for some time.

Chris: Ah, no big deal. They're losers.

Sheila Fistergraff: No, but you gotta stand up for your rights. You can't let people get away with that kind of nonsense. It's like Applegate mansion. If we don't stand up for it, people are gonna tear it down and build some new Choke n" Puke.

(The staff looks at her and Sheila smiles and chuckles sheepishly knowing she that overdid it.)

Sheila Fistergraff: (calmly) I'm sorry, Chris. I shouldn't drag you into the middle of my feud with your father.

Chris: (see's his dad on TV) Hey, there he is! (Shelia turns and watches the news)

Mayor Hunt: (on TV) As you know, I'm dedicated, to breathing new life into Deedstown. And a better way than building the Deedstown Shopping Gallery?

Sheila Fistergraff: A Dum Dum Donut and a Stop n' Spend aren't gonna save the town, Mayor.

Newscaster: (on TV) Mayor Hunt, there has been some opposition to the destruction of their old homes. Is that why Applegate Mansion is still standing?

Mayor Hunt: I think our talented building contractor, Tim Carson, should answer that one.

TIm Carson: Uh, hi. Well...

Sheila Fistergraff: (sarcastically) Wow, TV cameras aren't usually so flattering.

Tim Carson: (on TV) Our plan to revitalize the town is to remove all symbols of our stagant past.

Sheila Fistergraff: Those are historical landmarks!

TIm Carson: (on TV) Our first attempt was delayed by interference from a few--

Mayor Hunt: No ghosts.

Tim Carson: Right. Uh, militant reactionaries.

Sheila Fistergraff: Militant?!

Tim Carson: (on TV) No need to worry, though. The Deedstown rejuvenation project will soon be on track.

Sheila Fistergraff: (furiously) That creep. That weasel!

Tim Carson: You can count i on it.

Man: (on TV) Mayor Hunt...

Sheila Fistergraff: Well, buster, I'm gonna have another rally, see? You haven't heard the last of Sheila Fistergraff!

(The staff stares at Sheila. She felt embarrassed knowing that she's doing it again.)

Casper, Sunny and her friends meet Chris Carson/Tim Carson hires Bill Case[]

(The scene changes where Chris walks home from school, just then Casper, Sunny and her friends walk by him and Casper bumped into Chris.)

Casper: Sorry.

Chris: No problem.

Casper:(stops and feels surprised) Whoa, he didn't scream. (flies up to Chris) Hey, you didn't run away.

Chris: Oh, wow a ghost! Hi! Let me get your picture. (Chris takes his picture)

Casper: You mean you're not scared of me?

Chris: Are you kidding? I love ghosts. Bet it's fun- flying and vanishing!

Casper:(sadly) All I know is everybody just screams at me and runs away.

Chris: Sounds pretty lonely.

Casper; You don't know how lonely.

Chris: Let me guess. You feel like know one's on your side, no one really cares about you.

Casper: And no one really likes you.

Chris: I feel like that every day. Hey, we've got a lot in common. (shakes Casper's hand) I'm Chris.

Casper: Casper.

Chris: So, where do you haunt?

Casper: Haunt?

Chris: You know, ghosts haunt places.

Casper: They do?

Chris: Of course. Didn't you go to spook school?

Casper: No.

(Chris see's Pooh Bear and friends.)

Chris; Hi, guys, what are your names? My name is Chris Carson.

  • Sunny Starscout: Well, I'm Sunny, and these are my friends.
  • Izzy Moonbow: Hi, new friends. My name's Izzy.
  • Hitch Trailblazer: Hitch is the name, sheriffing's the game.
  • Pipp Petals: I'm Princess Pipp Petals, but you can call me Pipp.
  • Zipp Storm: And I'm her sister, Zipp Storm, but you can call me Zipp.
  • Misty Brightdawn: Hi I’m Misty.
  • Sunny Starscout: And this is Sparky.

Chris: Nice to meet you, Sunny. (shaking hands with )

Sunny Starscout: You too, Chris.

Sparky Sparkeroni: Pika Pikachu.

Chris: Hello, little guy. (Chris pets Sparky)

Sparky Sparkeroni: (climbing onto Chris's shoulder)

Sunny Starscout: Well, how about that? Sparky likes you.

Chris: How can you tell?

Sunny Starscout: Sparky is fine if you treat him nicely.

Chris: (smiling)You bet I will, Sunny.

We saw those four kids treated you, when you were on your way to school.
Yeah, who are those kids.

Chris: Those kids names are Brock Lee, Leon, and Danny. The only girl is Jennifer.

Say, what those kids have against you?

Chris: They picked on me since I love ghosts. They also think I'm weird.

Oh, Chris. It doesn't matter what those kids think of you.

Sunny Starscout: Yes, Chris. We really think you're special.

Chris: I am?

Yes, we all think so.

Chris: Thanks guys.

Sunny Starscout: You're quite welcome, Chris.

Chris:(to Casper) By the way, I know just who you need to see. Come on.

Casper: All right. (laughs)

(Casper, Chris, Pooh Bear and friends arrive at the Applegate Mansion.)

Chris: This is my hide-out. Awesome, huh?

Yeah, looks pretty creepy.
I'll say.

Casper: Yeah. Really creepy. So there are other ghosts like me, right?

Chris: They were here this morning.(takes the sheet) Well, til they get back. I'll teach you about being scary.

Casper: But I don't feel like scaring people.

Chris: It's your job. (showing Casper the book) It says so in here.

Casper: OK, then. I guess I'll try.

Chris: Good. Now this is how most people think of ghosts. (throws the sheet on Casper)

Casper: Whoa! What? That they're blind.

Chris: Just be one with the sheet for a minute. Let your ghostly instincts guide you, young Spookwalker.

Casper: OK, I'll try. Here goes.

(Casper hesitates and falls backwards.)

Casper: Can't we cut some eyeholes in this? (hits the hall backwards then Ash and Chris help him up) Oh, man. This is stupid, Chris.

Chris: Try to be scary by standing still.

Casper; All right. I'll try. Boo.

Chris: Louder:

Casper; (loudly) Boo!

Chris: Scarier.

Casper: Boooo!

(Just then an invisible Stretch picks up the book.)

Stretch: This kid has serious problems. Now he's dressing up his friends like us.

(Stinkie and Fatso become visible.)

Stinkie: He's pathetic.

Fatso: Even by fleshie standards.

Chris: Hey, you guys are just in time. (get's the book) I could use your help.

Sunny Starscout: Who do we have here?

Who are those guys, Chris?

Casper: Yeah, what's goin' on? Who's out there?

Chris: It's the Ghostly Trio.

Stretch: We know who we are. (see's Casper) Who's this? The phantom of the white sale? (laughs)

Chris: He's a new ghost in townn.

Stretch: No way!

Chris: He is, honest. Say hi to Casper. (pulls the sheet off)

Casper:(chuckles nervously) Hello. (the Ghostly Trio gasp happily)

Stretch: He's one of us! (shaking Casper's hand) Well, shrieking and salutations, Casper. I'm Stretch and this is my brother Stinkie. Ask him how he got his name.

Casper; How'd you get your...(Stinkie breaths his bad breath which caused Casper to react in disgust)

Stinkie: How should I know?

(Chris reacts in disgust as Pooh Bear and friends hold their noses reacting to the smell. Stinkie's bad breath destroys the chair.)

Yuck, smelly!

Stinkie: Why, thank you, stripes. I stink, therefore I am. (laughing)

(disgusted) Yeah, no kidding.

Stinkie: And this entire fog bank over here is a weather front named Fatso.

Fatso: (sheepishly) I'm not really fat, just big-boned. (showing big bones)

(The Ghostly Trio see Sunny and her friends.)

Stretch: Hmm, well who do we have here?

Chris: Oh these are my friends. Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, Misty and Sparky.

Chris Carson's open house/The Ghostly Trio send Casper away[]

(The scene changes to Chris's classroom where Chris, Pooh Bear and friends attend his open house while Chris sits at his desk waiting for us dad to show up while Sunny and her friends stand by Chris's side.)

Teacher: So she's not a genius, but she moves like a gazelle. I mean, if Maggie doesn't go into this dance club, it could ruin her chances forever of getting into Standford. I myself, wanted to go to Standford, that didn't work out. So she could use a little extra help, you know what I'm telling you?

Sheila Fistergraff: Yes, of course. Will you excuse me? (walks past a girl and her parents) Hi, how are you? (walks up to a sad Chris) Still no Dad, huh?

Chris: (sighs sadly) He promised he'd be here.

Sheila Fistergraff: Well, it's still early. (see's Sunny and her friends with Chris) Oh, and I see you got some friends with you too.

Sunny Starscout: Yes ma'am, we're definitely friends of Chris.

Good evening, ma'am.

Shelia Fistergraff: Good evening.

Say, what is your name, Miss?


Sheila Fistergraff: My name is Sheila Fistergraff. I'm Chris's teacher, it's nice to meet all of you.

Sunny Starscout: It's very nice to meet you too, Ms. Fistergraff. I'm Sunny Starscout and this is

Sheila Fistergraff: You guys want some punch?

Oh, no thank you, Miss Fistergraff.

Chris: Already, had three gallons thanks.

Sheila Fistergraff: Don't worry he'll show.

(Sunny and her friends are touched by Ms. Fistergraff comforting Chris.)

Well, I'll be.
Oh, my goodness.
Chris's teacher is a very nice lady.
She is indeed.

[Pikachu runs up to Miss Fistergraff and runs her legs]


Sheila Fistergraff: Oh, hello there. (kneels down and pets Pikachu)

Ash Ketchum: Pikachu seems to like you, Ms. Fistergraff.

Sheila Fistergraff: So, I've noticed.

(As Chris continues sulking at his desk, his damaged magazine lands on his desk surprising him. It was Jennifer who gave it back to him.)

Jennifer: It got a bit trashed and Brock threw it. I thought you like it back.

Chris: (smiling) Thanks, Jennifer.

That's very nice of you, young lady.

Jennifer: (see's Sunny and her friends) Oh, and I'm guessing you're friends of Chris right?

Sunny Starscout: We most certainly are.

We are definitely. .

Sparky Sparkeroni: .

Jennifer: Cool, and I'm Jennifer. It's really nice to meet you guys.

Piglet: Likewise.

Jennifer: (see's Sparky) And I love your little friend he's cute.

You too and thanks.

Jennifer: You're welcome, . (to Chris) So, which one's yours?

Chris:(Points to his project about ghosts) Right there.

Jennifer: So, you really believe in all this ghost stuff?

Sunny and her friends: Yep.

Chris: Sure, don't you?

Jennifer: (shakes her head) Get real.

But it's true, Jennifer.

Chris: Yeah, ghosts are all round. You just gotta know where to look.

Jennifer: Well, maybe you guys can show me one someday.

Chris: Sure.

Sunny Starscout: Yes, of course, Jennifer.

You can count on us.
No problem, Jennifer.

(Just then Brock Lee, Leon and Danny are outside waiting for Jennifer so Brock Lee knocks on the window.)

Jennifer: Oh, uh sorry. I gotta go. (to Pooh Bear and friends) It was nice meeting you guys. (leaves)

Thanks you too, Jennifer

(Chris reads his comic, then we cut to Tim Carson's office as he continues working on the sketches, he quietly counts to 10.)

Angie Lyons: (sighs) All right, Tim. (placed the files on Tim's desk) I'm outta here.

Tim Carson: (not paying attention) Uh-huh.

Angie Lyons: Uh-huh. Hey Tim, the martians have just escaped my pencil sharpener.

Tim Carson: Oh, that's nice. (holds up his coffee cup and Angie takes it)

Angie Lyons: Tim!

Tim Carson: What?!

Angie Lyons: You know, you really should go home and take a break. Go play with your kid. You know, he probably misses you.

Tim Carson: (frustrated) Chris is fine, okay? I've got that handled and he knows that I'm up to my teeth at work. (closes his computer) And it's not as easy to be a dad and a mom.

Angie Lyons: (calmly) Oh, take it easy. I'm sorry I asked.

Tim Carson: (calmly) And I apologize.

Angie Lyons: It's all right. No problem.

Tim Carson: It's just this Applegate thing has got me so wound up.

Angie Lyons: I know, I know, but, you know, you really should take a break.

Tim Carson: I wish I could. I just gotta finish these sketches for the Mayor.

Angie Lyons: All right. I'll see you tomorrow.

(Angie leaves the office as Tim continues working. Then we cut back to Chris's open house at school where Chris, Ash, Misty, and Brock drink punch while Pooh Bear and his friends stand at Chris's desk.)

Sheila Fistergraff: Josh is doing very well this semester, really gotten his grades up. So here's a flier. We're having a rally to save Applegate Mansion tomorrow. So I hope you can make it. And, Josh keep up the good work. I'll see you tomorrow.

Woman: Thanks so much.

Shelia Fistergraff: (hands the flier) There's your flier.(To student) You're doing very well this semester.(to parents) Thanks alot for coming tonight.

Man: Bye.

Boy: What do you think of my project?

Woman: Good work, honey.

(Shelia walks up to Chris, Pooh Bear and friends.)

Shelia Fistergraff: How you guys doing?

(sighs) Still no sign of Chris's father.

Chris: (sadly) I knew he'd flake out.

Shelia FIstergraff: Well, something probably came up.

Chris: Something always comes up.

Shelia Fistergraff: Hmm. (picks up the magazine) Phantom? Poltergeists? Which one is your favorite?

Chris: Banshees. (Gets up from his seat) They make alot of noise, and nobody can understand what they're saying. They're Irish, you know.

Ash Ketchum: That's true Chris, banshees screams are very loud.

Chris: That too, Ash. They usually appear just before...(sadly) My dad thinks I have. an overactive imagination.

Shelia Fistergraff: Oh, a good imagination is a powerful tool.

Rabbit: Yes, an imagination allows everybody to do great things.

Shelia Fistergraff: Yep, like saving a landmark against all odds. (gives Chris a flier)

Chris: (smiling) I like the way you think. You know, you work almost as hard as my dad.

Shelia Fistergraff: (chuckles) Well, I'll take that as a compliment. Come on, let me walk you and your friends to the door.

(Shelia walks Chris, Pooh Bear and friends to the door.)

Rabbit: Thank you, Ms. Fistergraff.

Sunny Starscout: That is very kind of you.

Shelia Fistergraff: (chuckles) My pleasure, guys. (to Chris) Hey, why don't you have your dad come for a private conference tomorrow at 4:00? This way, we can all meet.

Chris: Sure, but he'll probably just bag it again. Sometimes I think he likes his job more than me.

Shelia Fistergraff: Well, he may surprise you. (gives him the magazine)

Chris: Bye, Miss Fistergraff.

Sunny and her friends: Goodbye, Ms. Fistergraff.

Shelia Fistergraff: Bye, Chris. I'll see you tomorrow.

Chris: Okay.

Shelia Fistergraff: Bye Sunny. Nice meeting you guys.

(waving) Thanks, you too. (Chris, Sunny and her friends leave)

Shelia Fistergraff:(sighs) Great kid with special friends. Crummy dad.

(The scene changes back to Applegate Mansion where Casper is making moaning noises.)

Stinkie: No, no, no. Shivery shrieks have gotta come from deep inside you. Six feet under. Try agin.

Casper; Booo.

Stretch: Go sit down. That "boo' stuff wouldn't even give a fleshie goose bumps.

Casper: I'm doing the best i can. (accidentally sits on the spring which caused to yell in pain)

Stretch: By George, he's got it.

Casper: Oh, sorry. I sat on the rusty spring.

Stretch: Oh, forget it, you guys. We've been at all day. Possession, flying, shape-changing, dismemberment. Casper just ain't gettin' it.

Casper: But I'm trying my hardest.

Stretch: Sure, kid, but you got no style. It's cos your motives are all wrong. Basically, you don't want to scare humans.

Casper: Well, what's wrong with being nice to them?

Stretch: (exclaims in disgust) I'm not hearing this. I think I'm gonna be sick! (gags)

Stinkie: Now look what you've done. You're breathin' life into him.

Fatso: Uh, look, little guy. We know deep down inside you're really gruesome and horrible. But we're just not seein' it.

Stinkie: Besides, if you don't learn, it makes us look bad.

Casper: I'll try harder.

Stretch: Sorry, runt. We've come to a parting of the waves. There's no place for a friendly ghost. Get lost!

Stinkie: Get going!

Fatso: Get a life!

(A dejected Casper leaves the mansion.)

Chris, Sunny and her friends help Casper/Brock Lee gets detention[]

(The scene changes to Chris's house the next morning. Where Sunny and her friends have breakfast while Chris sulks sadly about last night. Tim Carson prepares for work.)

Tim Carson: I know, I know. I'm late. I'm gonna grab a bite at work. Chris. Chris. (noticed Chris feeling sad) Chris, what's the matter?

Chris: Duh, you totally missed my open house.

Tim Carson: (realizing) Oh, was that last night?

Yeah, you were supposed to be here at your son's open house. But you didn't.

Chris: Misty's right. I was the only kid without a parent. (Tim Carson walks up to his son)

Tim Carson: (regretfully) Oh buddy, I'm so sorry. Look, the Mayor's pressuring me hard right now and...

Sunny Starscout: Everything's more important than your son.

Chris: Sunny is right.

Tim Carson: I'm gonna make it up to you pal.(see's Pooh Bear and his friends) Oh, and I see you have friends.

That's us, Mr. Carson, sir.
Yes sir, we're friends of your son.

Sunny Starscout: We've met your son just yesterday.

Tim Carson: So I've noticed. (changes the subject, to Chris) Whoa, do you know what today is? (Chris didn't answer and Tim gets up) Huh? Huh? Do you know what today is? (happily) It's wild-and-crazy-guy day!

(surprised) Is it, really?

Chris: (sullenly) Yeah, right.

Tim Carson; Yes, it is. (walks up and picks up the doughnut) Says it right here. You and I are supposed to have a guys-only sit-down dinner.

Chris: (surprised) With no interruptions?

Tim Carson: (wiggles his glasses) You read my mind.

(Chris smiled and chuckled softly, while Pooh Bear and the other smile with amusem*nt.)

Chris: Honest.

Tim Carson: (nodding) Uh-huh. And later you and I are going to the batting cage, and this time (picks the spatula) I'm gonna beat you.

Mr. Carson?

Tim Carson: Yeah,?

Can we come along, too?
We really love to come.

Tim Carson: Sure, I don't see why not.

Hear that, Chris? We're going with you and your dad tonight.

Chris: Yes! (high-fives with Sunny)

Tim Carson: Deal? (shakes hands with Chris)

Chris: Deal!

Tim Carson: Gotta go!

Chris: Wait. Since you didn't show up last night, I've had to set up another meeting for today. You know, a parent-teacher one, at four.

Tim Carson: Four? But I have...(Chris turns away sighing sadly, while Sunny and her friends look at him with disappointment) Chris, buddy, you and your friends can count on me.

Sunny Starscout: Wonderful.

Ash Ketchum: Awesome!

Tim Carson:(kissed Chris's head) See you later, guys. (leaves for work)

Misty: (calling) Don't forget Mr. Carson! Four o'clock!

(Chris, Sunny and her friends happily run upstairs to Chris's bedroom.)

Chris: Yes!

Sunny Starscout: We're really gonna have a great time with your dad tonight, Chris.

Chris: Yeah, Sunny! (goes to the closet getting his baseball bat and mit)

(Just then a sad Casper flies into Chris's bedroom.)

Casper: (sadly) Yeah, well, I'm glad one of us is happy.

Chris: Hey, Casper. Did you hear? Dad and I are going to the batting cage tonight.

Yeah, and we're coming with them.
We're all gonna have a great time together.

Casper; Then it's good I stopped by now.

Hitch Trailblazer: (see's Casper sad) Casper, why the long face?

Sunny Starscout: Are you all right, Casper?

Casper: I just got the boot, guys. (turns invisible and cries softly) So, I'm leaving town for good.

Chris: You can't leave. What's wrong?

Yeah, Casper. Why do you have to leave?

Casper: Oh, I'm a lousy ghost Misty.

Aww, don't say that.

Chris: No, you're not. Misty's right, you know how to go into stealth mode.

Casper: Big whoop. That's the only trick I know.

Pipp Petals: Didn't the trio help you?

Casper: Nah. They dumped me Pipp. Seems like I'm too nice to learn anything. So I'm not a human, I'm not a ghost. I'm a nothing.

Chris; Stop it. If these losers won't help you, then we will.

Casper; Why waste your time?

Chris: Because we're your pals.

Casper: I am? (becomes visible) Really?

Chris: Yeah. And buds got to help each other.

Now, Casper. Just because the ghostly trio can't help, you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. What you really are is a unique friendly ghost, no matter what anyone else says.

Casper: (smiling) You really think so, Ash?

Yeah, I know so. (Ash and Casper hug each other, then Casper playfully tosses Chris's pillow to Chris)

Casper: (playfully) You couldn't help a dead alien fall over.

Chris: (jokingly) Very funny, marshmallow head.

(Chris playfully tosses his pillow back, Casper, Pooh Bear and friends laugh.)

(Brock Lee and his friends arrive, Brock Lee pushed Chris backwards.)

Sunny Starscout: Oh, no.

Misty Brightdawn: It's them.

Brock Lee: (mockingly) Who are you talking to, Space Cadet? Your imaginary pals?

Leon: That's only cos daydreamers don't have any real friends. (Brock Lee and Leon chuckle at that rude remark)

Chris: (annoyed) Don't you have some place to go, like detention.

(Brock Lee attempts to maim Chris, but Jennifer quickly stopped him.)

Jennifer: Hey, come on guys. Let's go he's not bothering us.

Brock Lee: (menacingly) You think you're so smart, don't ya? Freak!

Danny: (menacingly) Brock's talkin' to ya, geek.

Leon: (menacingly) Yeah, geek.

Pipp Petals: Hmph, such rude behavior.

Chris: You's better watch out. (an invisible Casper picks up the globe flying past by the girl which shocks her) They say this library is haunted.

Danny: (mockingly) By who? Ernest Hauntingway?

(Brock Lee and Leon laugh scornfully. Just then an invisible Casper approached them with a globe which caused them to look up.)

Casper: No. William Shakespook. (the globe lands on Brock Lee's head)

(Jennifer is shocked upon seeing this, while Chris smiles with amusem*nt.)

Brock Lee: I can't see! Get this off! (falls backwards to the book shelves which caused to land on Snivel)

(Chris laughs, but Brock Lee gets the globe off his head. He gets up glaring at Chris in anger.)

Brock Lee: Hey!

( and get scared upon seeing Brock Lee angrily approaching Chris.)

Oh, my goodness. Brock is really mad.
Oh dear.

Jennifer: This is some sort of trick, right?

Brock Lee: Darn right. He's messin' with us.

(Brock Lee shoves Chris then grabbed his shirt. Then an invisible Casper grabs the fire extinguisher.)

Jennifer: (shocked) What?

Casper: (flying past the student) Excuse me.

Chris: Brock, I think you should chill off.

Brock Lee: Make me, runt.

Casper: Earth to butthead. You're clear for takeoff. (placed the fire extinguisher on Brock Lee's back) You're a regular rocket man!

(The fire extinguisher spray which causes hit some of the students. The Librarian see's what's going on and gets up from her seat.)

Librarian: Oh my!

Brock Lee: Stop it! Get this thing off! Please help!

Librarian: Stop! Stop!

(Chris, Pooh Bear and friends laugh with amusem*nt as Jennifer couldn't believe what's going on. Then Brock Lee holds on top of the book cart screaming as it heads for the door. Out in the hallway Principal Rabie talks to a staff member.)

Principal Rabie: There I was, reading my editorial section- where I always do- when all of a sudden it appeared before me.

(The staff member opens the library door then Brock on a book cart ran into Principal Rabie and gets coppered with extinguisher foam.)

Brock Lee: Oh man!

(Brock Lee struggles to get up and Principal Rabie spits out the foam and sputtered as he wiped his face. Principal Rabie grabbed Brock Lee by his shirt.)

Principal Rabie: Get up.

Brock Lee: I can't.

Principal Rabie:(gets Brock Lee of the floor) Get up, there come on! (takes the fire extinguisher and looks at it) (sternly) This is going on your permanent record.

Brock Lee: (protesting) But, but there was a ghost and...

(Brock Lee continues protesting as Principal Rabie escorts him to his office.)

Sunny Starscout: That'll teach him.

Izzy Moonbow: That takes care of him.

Sparky Sparkeroni: .

Zipp Storm: Brock Lee got a whole month of detention.

Hmph, I hope this rude young man learned his lesson.

Casper stops the robber/Tim Carson's refusal[]

(The scene changes to a classroom where Miss Fistergraff is making rally signs. Then Chris, Sunny and her friends come in.)

Chris: Ms. Fistergraff? Hi.

Sunny and her friends: Good afternoon, Ms. Fistergraff.

Sparky Sparkeroni: Pika Pikachu.

Say, Ms. Fistergraff. Isn't it time for a conference.

Shelia Fistergraff: Yeah, guys come on in.

Whatcha doing?

Sheila Fistergraff: I was just getting ready for my big rally. Hey, maybe I could get you guys to carry on these signs tomorrow. (realizes) Oh, no. There I go again. I'm sorry.

Sunny Starscout; No problem, Miss Fistergraff.

Chris: Is my dad here yet?

Shelia Fistergraff: No, but he has a few minutes, honey.

Chris: He's coming this time. I know it.

I hope he doesn't delay again.
I should hope not, Misty.

(The scene cuts to Tim Carson's office.)

Angie Lyons: Come on, I don't want you to be late. (gives Tim his jacket) Here.

Tim Carson:You're right, okay, the teacher. The teacher's name is Fester or Fister- Fistergraff.

Angie Lyons; Right.

Tim Carson: Okay. See you later.

Angie Lyons: All right, bye-bye. Hey! (Tim stops) Would that be Shelia Fistergraff?

Tim Carson: Yeah, I think so.

Angie Lyons: (chuckles softly) She's the one behind the Save the Mansion movement. (Shows Tim the flier)

Tim Carson: (shocked) Chris's teacher?! (walks up)

Angie Lyons: Mm-hmm.

Tim Carson: (takes the flier) Ah, I should have known. (angrily) Parent-teacher conference. Hah! (crumbles the flier and tossed it) My Aunt Sally!

(The scene cuts back to Chris's classroom. Where Chris is making signs.)

Shelia Fistergraff: (impressed) Hey, that's really good. You're a good artist. (the phone rings) Excuse me. (answers the phone) Sheila Fistergraff. But, Ms. Lines, these conferences are essential to the student's-- What? This is school business. No, it has nothing to do with the mansion. (Chris is starting to feel sad, as Sunny and her friends feel concerned) Well, you tel Mr. Carson if he keeps dodging these meetings, the next call he'll get will be from the Board of Education. (hangs up the phone and goes to comfort Chris) Chris, I'm sorry. I'm afraid that your father--

Chris: (on the verge of tears) Isn't gonna show.

Sunny Starscout: Oh, this will never do.

Aww, man.
Oh dear, mercy me.
Oh dear, mercy me too.

Shelia Fistergraff:(to Chris) Honey, I'm sure it's not your fault. I'm sure he's just under a lot of pressure with his...job.

Chris: So what else is new?

(An upset Chris leaves the classroom, as Sunny and her friends follow him. Sheila sighs while feeling sorry for Chris.)

Casper, Sunny and her friends comfort Chris/Miss Fistergraff's visit[]

Casper, Chris, Sunny and her friends prepare dinner/Bill Case plants a bomb[]

Ash Ketchum: Casper, why don't you set the table. Chris and I will do the cooking.


Casper: OK, .

Sunny Starscout: We'll help you out, Casper

Casper: Great, thanks, Sunny.

Chris: How about some music?

Casper:(puts the CD into the player) All right.

(The music starts playing, while Chris, Tigger and Ash get some drinks and some food out of fridge. Tigger wears a raincoat and goggles using an egg beater beating the mashed potatoes, Brock, Misty, Pooh Bear, Rabbit and Piglet help an invisible Casper set the table. Ash used an iron to grill the sandwiches, Tigger puts sugar and whipped cream into the egg beater, Chris acts like an ninja then chops the vegetables with a knife then puts them in a mixer and makes a salad. Casper lights the candles.)

Tigger: Well, that's that.

Ash Ketchum: Dinner is served.

Rabbit: Your father is gonna be so surprised, Chris.

Chris: Yep.

Snivel: Now, Casper's the fleshie slave? It's time to report in to my master. (goes into the sink faucet)

Casper abducted by the Ghostly Trio/Chris runs away[]

(The scene cuts to the ghost world where Kibosh is angered upon hearing the news from Snivel.)

Kibosh: Four humans and four animals teaching haunting techniques? It's unorthodox, it's unheard of, it's...

Snivel: Un-American?

Kibosh: Disgusting! Keep your eye on them. I'm on my way!

(Kibosh furiously crashed the crystal ball and leaves to go the human world.)

(The scene changes where the ghostly trio come inside the mansion. Stretch looks at the newspaper and he is not happy upon seeing the headline.)

Stretch: Can you believe this? That store owner thinks ghosts are friendly. That was Casper, I tell you. He's goin' around town, doing good deeds for everyone.

Stinkie: Revolting!

Stretch: That kid's a menace!

Fatso: Uh, I don't know. I kinda liked him around. It was sorta like family.

Stretch: (annoyed) Am I hearing this?

Fatso: I can't help it. I feel stuffed.

Stretch: Yeah? (picks up a dynamite stick) Well, feel this!

(Stretch hits Fatso with a dynamite stick in the head which caused him to groan.)

Stretch: A friendly ghost is a threat to all ghosts, so spread out, and find that little poltergeek, and don't be too gentle about it.

(The ghostly trio leave to find Casper.)

(The scene changes to where Chris sets the table while the music was playing.)

Everything's set, Chris.

Chris: Great, . Thanks for helping me make dinner, guys.

Our pleasure, Chris.
That's what friends are for, Chris.

Chris: Looks good, pal. but you forgot a plate. (sets a plate on the table)

Yeah Casper, we like you to join us for dinner.
Yep, we can't forget about you.

Casper: Really? Gee, thanks, guys.

You're welcome, Casper. (he and Casper high-five each other)

(Sunny and her friends see Tim coming.)

Oh, Chris, here comes your dad.

Chris: Yeah. (to Casper) Now, listen. We're gonna introduce you to him, so wait by my window. All right?

Casper: Okay, but, uh, Ash, what should I say?

Well, just be friendly Casper.

Casper: Oh great, thanks, Ash.

No problem.

Tim Carson: (opens the door) Chris? Guys?

Quick, hide before Chris's dad see's you.

(Casper flies up and Chris, Sunny and her friends head for the door.)

Tim Carson: Chris! Guys! Chris!

Chris: I'm not supposed to open the door for strangers.

Misty: I heard you didn't show up for conference this afternoon.

Tim Carson: Look, Misty. I'm sorry about this conference thing. I had an emergency. My office caught on fire.

Chris:(sarcastically) Yeah, and a gremlin ate my homework.

Tim Carson: (shows Chris his burnt briefcase) Look, charboiled, medium well.

Chris: Admit it. You forgot.

Tim Carson: Well, I didn't forget about wild and crazy guy night.

Chris: (unlocks the door) Okay, fine. Hurry up.

(Tim comes in and kissed Chris's head.)

Pooh Bear: Ta-da!

Piglet: We helped your son, make dinner for you.

Brock: Yeah, we wanted to surprise you.

Tim Carson: (takes his jacket off and see's the table set) Whoa, guys! That is great! Whoo!

Rabbit: Thank you very much, Mr. Carson.

Tigger: We also had help from a new friend too.

Tim Carson: Ah, yeah? Who's that? (laughs)

Chris: A new kid. In fact , he's coming over for dinner.

Tim Carson: Oh, you guys didn't have to do that.

Rabbit: Oh no?

Tim Carson: No, we could a restaurant. (Casper pokes his head out from upstairs) maybe that-- that Chinese restaurant or something.

Chris: You tore it down.

Tim Carson: When did I tear-- (realizing) Oh, yeah, I did, but I put up a Yogurt Hut.

Chris: Very sensitive, Dad. Why do you like tear everything down? I like that old Applegate place.

Tim Carson: You're starting to sound like your teacher, and your teacher is gonna get me fired, and then you and I, we gotta live under a freeway pass. It would be just so, oh.

Chris: At least she listens to me.

Tim Carson: What's that supposed to mean?

Chris: You never pay attention to me. I mean, you don't go to my baseball game or take me to the movies or listen to what I say.

Tim Carson: Chris. Chris, that's ridiculous. (the phone rings) Chris, you know that when-- (sighs, then goes to the living room)

Chris: You promised. No interruptions.

Tim Carson: Can I take a phone call? The phone is ringing. What am I supposed to--(answers the phone) Hello. Yes. Mr. Mayor, sure. (Chris, Pooh Bear and friends walk into the living room) Uh, the memo. Of course I saw it. I just--

Chris: (takes the phone) No, Dad. The batting cage! You promised! (hangs up the phone and Tim picks the phone up)

Tim Carson:(frustrated) That--That was the Mayor!

Chris: I'm your son.

Tim Carson: Chris, don't do this.

Pooh Bear: At least meet our friend first, Mr. Carson.

Piglet: Please?

Tim Carson: Okay, When's he gonna show?

Chris: Uh, I think he's here right now.

Tim Carson: Oh, yeah? Oh, really? Really? Well, I don't hear the doorbell.

Chris: Trust us.

(Chris, Tim, Pooh Bear and friends go upstairs. Casper practices introducing himself to Tim.)

Casper: (clears throat) Hello, sir. I'm Casper. No, no. Yo, dude. Big C here.

(Suddenly the Ghostly Trio arrived and grabbed Casper.)

Stretch: Gotcha, runt!

Casper: No!

Stretch: You're coming with us! (laughs with Stinkie and Fatso)

Casper: (exclaims) Chris, Pooh Bear, Ash and the others need me! (yelling, as the ghostly trio carry him away)

Stretch: Too bad, bulb-head. Your fleshie friendly days are over.

(Tim, Chris, Pooh Bear and friends come into Chris's bedroom.)

Pooh Bear: Now remember, Mr. Carson. Casper is our friendly friend.

Chris: Yeah, so we gotta warn you he's kinda different, so be nice.

Tim Carson: OK.

Chris: (opens the window) Dad meet Casper.

(Tim, Chris, Pooh Bear and friends see Casper gone.)

Piglet: (worried) Casper?

Tigger: Say, where did he go?

Tim Carson: Where is he?

Rabbit: I don't know, Mr. Carson. Maybe Casper, just up and disappeared.

Chris: Yeah, he's a ghost.

Tim Carson: Oh, kids. I don't have time for games.

Pooh Bear: This is really no joke, Mr. Carson.

Piglet: We're not playing games.

Ash Ketchum: It's the truth, Mr. Carson.

Misty: For once, please listen to your son.

Pikachu: Pika.

Chris: They're right, it's not a game, ghosts are real. Casper, come on.

Tim Carson: Chris, stop.

Brock: Maybe, he went back to the Applegate Mansion.

Pikachu: Pika Pika.

Chris: Yeah, thats it. Let's go.

Tim Carson: That Sheila Fistergraff put you up to this, right? I'm gonna have to talk to your principal about this!

Chris: Dad, you're not listening!

Tim Carson: (annoyed) This is ridiculous.

Chris: Why can't you believe us? Mom would have!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, my mom would believe us!

Pikachu: Pi!

Tim Carson: (furiously) That's it! You have an overactive imagination. It is time to grow up. (takes some of Chris's things) This goes! This! And this! This! Look at this stuff!

(Pooh Bear and friends gasp in shock.)

Pooh Bear: (shocked) What are you doing?!

Piglet: Mr. Carson, please stop!

Tigger: What are you doing with Chris' stuff?!

Rabbit: What is the meaning of this?!

Pikachu: Pika!

Chris: Yeah, those are mine!

Tim Carson: This is trash! (come downstairs)

Chris: (shocked) No!

Ash Ketchum: You can't do that!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

(Tim comes into the kitchen and sees the mess.)

Tim Carson: (shouting) Chris! You and your friends clean this up! (throws Chris's things into the garbage) I have to go see the Mayor!

Chris: You can't! What about our dinner and the batting cage?

Tim Carson: (dismissively) I don't want to hear it, Chris!

Chris: (upset) It's not fair!

(Pooh Bear and friends are deeply disappointed and angry at Tim Carson for canceling the night out.)

Pooh Bear: Oh, bother.

Piglet: Oh, Mr. Carson, how could you?

Rabbit: Some father, you are! Shame on you for neglecting your own son.

Tigger: Yeah, brunos!

Pikachu: (angrily) PIKA PIKA!!

Misty: That's right! Your son made dinner for you!

(Tim storms out of the house)

Chris: You love your job, more than me!

Brock: He's right!

(Chris slams the door, takes his backpack, runs upstairs to his bedroom as Pooh Bear and friends feel sorry for Chris.)

Chris: (yelling out the window) Casper, how could you?!

(He angrily packs up his stuff and removes his baseball bat and mit off his bed throws back his bed covers. Then the scene changes to the Applegate Mansion where Casper is confronted by the Ghostly Trio.)

Casper: Come on guys, I gotta get back to help Chris, Pooh Bear and his friends.

Stinkie: We don't give a flying banshee. This fleshie stuff has got to stop.

Fatso: It's ruining our reputations.

Stretch: You've been a goody-goody too long and now it's time to pay the price.

Stinkie: (holds the flute) Pay the piper.

Fatso: Paper or plastic. (pulls out dollar bills and credit cards)

Casper: Look! Elvis's ghost!

Ghostly Trio: Where? (they pull out autographs)

Stretch: Where's the king? (Casper escapes and then they groan)

Fatso: Hey, it's stupid. Everyone knows Elvis is still alive.

Stretch: Find him!

(The ghostly trio fly out of the mansion to find Casper.)

Chris and Ash get locked in the closet/Kibosh abducts the Ghostly Trio[]

(We cut to Chris walking with Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu. Chris sheds tears after arguing with his dad. Ash, has his arm wrapped around Chris while comforting him.)

Ash Ketchum: Chris, we're really sorry for what happened tonight.

Pikachu: Pika.

(Pikachu nudges his nose against Chris' face)

Chris: (nodding) I know, I'm tired of being neglected all the time.

Misty: We know just how you feel, Chris.

Brock: Yeah, little buddy we all do.

(Chris, Ash, Misty, and Brock see a father and son come out of the car.)

Father: Wow! You really clobbered 'em tonight.

Son: I'm almost better than you, huh, Dad?

Father: Absolutely. Wait til we tell Mom.

(The father and son come inside their house.)

Son: Hey, Mom!

Chris: (sighs) Ash, you're lucky to have a mom who cares about you. My mom passed away two years ago.

(Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Brock are saddened upon hearing this.)

Ash Ketchum: Oh, Chris I'm so sorry to hear. (wraps his arm, comforting Chris)

(Chris, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu continued walking but suddenly Chris gets pushed down by an angry Brock Lee. Ash, Brock and Misty become shocked.)

Ash Ketchum: Uh-oh!

Brock: Oh no!

Misty: Not them!

Brock Lee: You've got me a month of detention, geek!

Chris Carson: I wish I could have done more for you.

Jennifer: (handing him his backpack) Here.

Brock Lee: What do you think you're doing?

Jennifer: Come on, you had your fun.

Brock Lee: You're not standing up for this worm, are you?

Jennifer: No. It's just that... Let's go.

Danny: I think she likes the wimp.

Brock Lee: (grabbing Jennifer by her arm) So? Do ya? Huh?

Jennifer:(struggling to get out of Brock Lee's grip) No, let go!

(Pikachu comes to Jennifer and Chris' defense and gets in front of Brock Lee.)

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Brock Lee: (annoyed) Get out of my way, you little freak!

(Brock Lee kicks Pikachu. Ash, Misty and Brock gasp in shock. Ash runs up to Brock Lee, glaring at him.)

Ash Ketchum: (angrily) Hey!! Nobody does that to my Pikachu!

Misty: (picks Pikachu up) Are you alright, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika...

Chris: Leave them alone!

Brock Lee: Ooh. Mr. Tough Guy! (pushed Chris to the ground)

Ash Ketchum: You heard what Chris said, leave Jennifer and my Pikachu alone!

Brock Lee: What are you, a cop?

Ash Ketchum: No, I'm Chris's friend!

Misty: And you deserved a month of detention anyway, you creep! You have some nerve kicking Ash's Pikachu like that!

Jennifer:(angrily bumps Brock Lee) Yeah, stop it!

(Brock Lee pushed Jennifer to the ground.)

Brock Lee: Why don't you beat it? You know I never liked you hanging around anyway! (to Chris and Ash) You're coming with us to the Applegate Mansion, weirdos. (grabbing Chris and Ash)

Leon: Yeah, dweebs.

Ash Ketchum: (grunts) Charizard, I choose you!!!

Danny: (grabs the Pokeball from Ash's hand) Forget it, loser. You won't be needing those stupid balls! (throws the Pokeball to ground and Misty picks them up)

Misty:(yelling after Danny) Hey, those Pokeballs are not toys!

(Misty, Brock and Jennifer look on with worry. Pikachu follows them to the Applegate Mansion.)

Ash Ketchum: Let us go, right now!

Brock Lee; Shut up, you little jerk!

Chris: Ow, you're hurting us!

Danny: Ah, shut up you little wimp!

Leon: Ah, don't be such scaredy-cats you little wusses.

(The bullies take Ash and Chris inside the mansion.)

Ash Ketchum: Did you hear us?! I said, let us go!

Chris: Yeah, let us go!

Brock Lee: Shut up!

Leon: Cork it, Chris!

Danny: Sissy creeps!

Leon: How about over there?

Brock Lee and Danny: Yeah!

Ash Ketchum: You guys are gonna get it!

Danny: (tauntingly) Ooh, you guys are both gonna die!

(Brock Lee, Leon and Danny laugh cruelly then they throw Chris and Ash in the closet and locked them in. A worried Pikachu looks through the window.]

Ash: Hey, you can't do this to us!!!

Brock Lee: Oops, looks like you guys are staying.

Chris: Let us out, Brock!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, you either open this door or I'm gonna break it down!

(Brock Lee and his friends ignore them. Brock Lee throws the key out the window then they leave.)

Danny: (tauntingly) Sleep tight. Don't let the dead bugs bite!

(Danny leaves, but Pikachy jumps in front of him with angry sparks flying out of his cheeks)

Pikachu: PIKA PIKA!!!

Danny: Get out of my way, you freaky little rat! (kicks Pikachu aside)

(Ash continues to knock down the locked door harder but to no avail.)

Ash Ketchum: (groans) It's no use, Chris we're locked in.

Pikachu: Pika, Pika Pi!

[Pikachu tries to break down the door with Iron Tail]

Ash Ketchum: (from the closet door) PIkachu, go back to Brock and Misty and get Pooh Bear and the others!

Pikachu: Pika!

(Pikachu leaves the mansion to get Pooh Bear and the others. Chris and Ash sit down on the floor, Chris pulls out his Payday bar from his backpack and gives the other half to Ash then they eat sadly.)

(The scene cuts to Tim Carson sleeping in the living room, the phone rings. He answers the phone.)

Tim Carson: Yeah, hello.

Bill Case: Mr. Carson, is this line secure? (looking through his binoculars at the protesters)

Tim Carson: Yeah. Who is this?

Bill Case: It's Bill Case, sir.

Tim Carson: Bill, yeah. (looking at his watch) What time is it?

Bill Case: It's 0600. You don't sound good. Have you been tortured?

Tim Carson: No, I just was working late. I must have conked out on the couch.

Bill Case: So we are still on target for Operation Sawdust?

Tim Carson: Yeah, sure. You mean the demolition?

Bill Case: First class.

Tim Carson: Are they any demonstrators there?

Bill Case: Affirmative. A small platoon, but they're well outside the perimeter. (Tim puts his glasses on)

Tim Carson: But they can't get to the detonator, can they?

Bill Case:(chuckles) Not to worry, sir. I am unstoppable. That shack is nuked, waxed, history.

Tim Carson: OK. Look I'll be there soon. If I'm not there by 6:30 on the dot, demolish this place.

Bill Case: Roger that. Over and out. (he dropped the SCR-536 which caused it hit the rock) Oh, well. I have my orders. (he pushed the detonator button)

Tim Carson: Chris! (gets up off the couch, then he calmly entered Chris's bedroom) (softly) Chris. Chris. Chris. (pulls back the bed covers which revealed to be a inflatable beach ball, a pillow, a baseball and a mit) Chris! Chris! Chris!

(Pooh Bear, Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Brock, Misty and Pikachu enter Chris's bedroom.)

Pooh Bear: Good morning, Mr. Carson.

Tim Carson: Oh, good morning, you guys are up already.

Tigger: We are, what's going on?

Tim Carson: Chris is gone.

Tigger: What?!

Piglet: Gone?

Rabbit: (see's a note in the mit) Mr. Carson, you might want to have a look at this. (Tim walks up and Rabbit hands him a note)

Tim Carson: (reading the note) "Sorry I'm always bothering you, so I ran away." Now you'll have the time you need for your work."

(Just then Casper comes flying in.)

Casper: Guys, I'm sorry. Last night wasn't my fault.

Pooh Bear and friends: Casper!

Brock and Misty: Casper!

Tim Carson: (exclaims in fright and takes the baseball bat hitting, Casper) Get away! Get away!

Pooh Bear: Mr. Carson, please calm down!

Casper: Careful, Mr. Carson. (frabs hold of Tim's leg)

Tim Carson:(still swinging the baseball bat) You are not pulling my leg.

Casper: It's OK, really.

Tim Carson: I do not believe in ghosts.

Casper:(turning invisible) Here, is this better? (Tim instantly stops, while feeling confused)

Tim Carson: Are you here?

Casper: Boy, Chris was right. You really don't have an imagination.

Tim Carson: Chris? Do you know where my son is? I swear, if you done something to my son...

Misty:(calming Tim) Relax, Mr. Carson. Casper would never do anything to your son.

Casper: Yeah, I'm Chris's best friend. In fact I'm his only friend. I'm also a friend to Pooh Bear and his friends too.

Tim Carson: (surprised) You're Casper?

Casper: In the flesh, or so to speak. Where's Chris?

Tim Carson: He ran away.

Tigger: Chris, ran away? Why, Mr. Carson?

Tim Carson: It seems as if I'm always pushing away.

Rabbit:(sternly) Then you have only yourself to blame for what you did last night. You must know that your son is only 10 years old, Mr. Carson. He can't carry on his own just because you work all the time.

Misty: Chris is all you have, Mr. Carson.

Casper; Yeah, and he's very lonely.

Tim Carson: He's lonely? How could he be lonely? I'm always there.

Rabbit: No, it's just that you've been neglecting your own son too many times.

Misty: You always delay showing up, at your son's events. It's not fair to him or anybody else.

Casper: Rabbit and Misty are right, you're always working.

Tim Carson: (regretfully) Yeah. He said that.

Casper: Find him. You need each other.

Rabbit: Your son, really needs you Mr. Carson.

Misty: Yeah, and your son needs your help.

Tim Carson: You're right, guys. We do need each other and we love each other. Will you help me find him, guys?

Rabbit: All right, but on one condition Mr. Carson. You must promise us not to neglect your son anymore.

Misty: And you must promise to spend more time with your son from now on.

Tim Carson: Yes, Misty and Rabbit. I promise.

Rabbit: Good, it's all settled. Let's all find your son, together.

Misty: What do you say, Casper?

Casper: Sure, Misty. I bet he's at the Applegate place. Chris loves it there.

Tim Carson: (shocked) The Applegate place?! That's gonna blow in 15 minutes!

Tigger: Oh no! That means Chris has 15 minutes to live!

Pikachu: (frantically) Pika, Pika!

Tim Carson: Misty, Brock. What's Pikachu saying?

Brock: Pikachu said "Ash is with Chris at the Applegate mansion too."

Casper: (shocked) What?! I gotta warn Chris and Ash. Pikachu, you're gonna have to come with me! Pooh Bear, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Misty and Brock you guys go with Mr. Carson we'll meet you at the mansion!

Pooh Bear and friends: Right!

(Casper picks up Pikachu flying out the window.)

Casper, Pooh Bear and friends save Chris and Ash/Kibosh letting Casper and the Ghostly Trio stay[]

(Casper flies into the mansion while carrying Pikachu to warn Chris and Ash.)

Casper: Chris, Ash, where are you guys?

Pikachu: Pika! Pika Pi!

Casper: What is it, Pikachu?

Pikachu:(points to the closet) Pika!

Chris and Ash: Casper?

Casper: Chris! Ash! Help me out there guys!

Ash Ketchum: We're in the closet, Casper!

(Casper goes through the closet the door.)

Ash Ketchum: Casper, thank goodness you're here!

Casper: Come on guys, we gotta get out of here fast.

Ash Ketchum: Casper, what happened to you last night?

Chris: Yeah, where'd you go last night?

Casper: Never mind that! There's a bomb in the house. Let's go!

(Casper takes Chris and Ash by their hands but they both can't go through walls.)

Casper: Oh great.

(Snivel see's Casper)

Snivel: The sniveler has sniveled his snivel! (Laughing while flying away)

(Casper, Ash and Chris bang on the locked door trying to break it down.)

Tim Carson: Stop the countdown! (Bill ignores TIm)

Casper: Oh, now what? Think, Casper, think!

(Sheila backs her car up as she prepares to charge at the tree.)

Sheila Fistergraff: Leave that house alone, buster!

(She charged her car, as Tim looks on. Ash and Chris hug each other while feeling scared knowing they're both going to die, Pooh Bear and friends watch in horror as Bill is about to arm the bomb.)

Brock: Everybody down!

Piglet: Oh, d-dear.

Pooh Bear: Oh my!

(Pooh Bear and friends duck down as the protesters duck down as well. Sheila yells as drives to the tree crashing it which causes Bill to fall off the tree. Jennifer and the protesters cheered, Pooh Bear and his friends cheered as well.)

Bill Case: (struggling) Must save reputation. (He attempts to push the button)

Misty: (grabs the remote) Oh no, you don't mister! (throws away the remote)

Casper: Hey, it's past 6:30. You guys are ok.

Ash Ketchum: We are?

Chris: We are! Yes!

Ash Ketchum: All right!

(Chris and Ash high-five each other)

Sheila Fistergraff: (happily) We did it!

Bill Case: (smiling evilly) Negatory, you sniveling liberal pansies. My bomb's got a default mechanism. You can wave bye-bye to that rattrap in one minute. (laughs evilly)

(Pooh Bear and friends gasp in horror.)

Pooh Bear: Chris and Ash have one minute to live!

Piglet: Oh dear.

Tigger: Uh-oh.

(In the closet Ash hugs with Chris in fear.)

Ash Ketchum: Oh no, this is it Chris! We're goners!

(Casper felt scared upon realizing that Chris and Ash have 50 seconds to live.)

Casper: Oh, no. (Exclaiming in fear)

(Back outside Tim Carson and Misty are furious at Bill Case.)

Tim Carson: (furiously grabbing Bill by the shirt) You raving yahoo maniac! My only son's in there!

Misty: Yeah, and our friend Ash is in there too! (Misty pushed Bill angrily)

Tim Carson: Everybody get back! There's a bomb! There's a bomb (picks up the sign) Get back!

(The protesters run in fright as Sheila looks on with worry.)

Rabbit: Come on, Mr. Carson let's get your son and our friend Ash out together.

Tim Carson: Good idea, Rabbit! Let's go, guys!

(Pooh Bear and the others follow Tim as he charges with the sign.)

Tim Carson: (breaking down the door) One, two, three!

(Tim, Pooh Bear and friends come in the mansion)

Tim Carson: Chris! Chris, where are you?

Misty: Ash, where are you!

Brock: Casper, where's Chris and Ash?

Casper:(points to the closet door) In there, guys!

(Tim, Pooh Bear and friends run to the closet door.)

Tim Carson: Chris, where are you?

Chris and Ash: Here!

Tim Carson: Open the door!

Chris Carson: We can't

Ash Ketchum: It's locked!

Brock: (gets the crowbar) Here, Mr. Carson, use this! (gives him the crowbar)

Tim Carson: Thanks, Brock.

Tigger: Hold on, Ashy boy!

Pooh Bear: We're coming, Ash!

Chris and Ash: Hurry up!

Tim Carson: Hold on, hold on! (bending the crowbar to break open the door setting them free)

(Chris and Ash come out of the closet. Ash hugs his friends.)

Rabbit:(concerned) Ash, are you all right, son?

Ash Ketchum:(scared) Yeah, Rabbit, I'm really scared!

Rabbit: (gently) Shh, calm down, son. You're safe.

Chris: Dad! (hugging his dad)

Tim Carson: Are you ok?

Chris: Dad, we can't let the bomb hurt the mansion!

Tim Carson: Yeah, but we can't take it outside. That'll hurt the people out here.

Casper: (to Chris) Your dad's right. Go. I'll take care of this.

Brock: Come on guys, let's get out of here quick before we get killed inside.

Tim Carson: Yeah, let's go.

(Tim Carson, Chris, Pooh Bear and friends quickly get out of the mansion. Casper goes back to the bomb.)

Casper: Great. Now what do I do?

(Chris, Pooh Bear and friends approach Tim and Sheila.)

Rabbit: Mr. Carson, you owe your son a big apology from last night. (Tim nods in agreement)

Tim Carson; Chris, I'm sorry for ignoring you. I didn't mean to doubt you.

Chris: It's ok, Dad. (hugs his dad) I love you, Dad.

Tim Carson: I love you, son.

(Sheila Fistergraff, Pooh Bear and friends smile with admiration as Tim and Chris reconcile.)

Tigger:(crying with joy) Oh, how beautiful.

Tim Carson: And you had great teacher. (Sheila giggles) You also have great friends too.

Pooh Bear: Thank you, so much Mr. Carson.

Ash Ketchum: We are definitely great friends Mr. Carson.

Tim Carson: Rabbit and Misty, thank you for straightening me out.

Misty: You're welcome, Mr. Carson.

Rabbit: It was our pleasure, Mr. Carson. (shakes hands)

(Casper flies up to Ash.)

Casper: Are you ok, Ash?

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I was so scared that Chris and I were nearly goners.(smiling warmly) But I'm glad it's all over. Thanks so much for saving my life and Chris's life too. (hugging Casper)

Casper:(smiling and hugging Ash) Aww, it was nothing Ash.

Confronting Brock, Leon and Danny/Ending[]

(Brock, Leon, and Danny arrive on their bikes.)

Brock Lee: What'd we miss?

Jennifer: You almost got Chris and Ash killed.

Brock Lee: (smiles cruelly) Cool.

Misty: (angrily) Not cool!!!

Jennifer: (angrily) Yean. Brock you're a butt, and you'll always be a butt. (walks away from them)

Stretch: So, snoop, your old man's OK. If you ever need a favor, just ask.

Chris Carson: See those guys? They're the ones who locked me and Ash with the bomb.

Stretch: Enough said.

Casper: No, no, no. Now that we're a family, you guys have to try and behave yourselves.

Stretch: Oh, we will, shortsheet. We will.

Stinkie: Cross out hearts and hope to live.

Fatso: Shout's honor!

Ash Ketchum: (growls in anger upon seeing Brock Lee, Leon and Danny) Come on guys let's teach Brock Lee and his friends a lesson! (to Ghostly Trio) We'll deal with those punks first.

Stretch: Sure, you do that kid. (winks)

Stinkie: Go for it, Ashy boy!

Fatso: Do your stuff, little buddy!

(Pooh Bear and his friends furiously march outside then they glared at them.)

Brock: You almost got Chris and Ash killed!

Rabbit: What on earth were you boys thinking?!

Brock Lee: That geek got me detention for a month.

Danny: They were both gonna die!

Leon; Yeah, they're both geeks.

Misty: You're disgusting!

Rabbit: That does not excuse such behavior!

Misty: (furiously) You deserved detention anyway!

(Misty grabbed Brock Lee, Leon and Danny by their ears.)

Leon: Oww, hey take it easy.

Danny: (whining) Oww, you're hurting me!

Brock Lee: Oww! (nervously) Relax, we're really sorry.

Rabbit: (furiously) No, you're not! How dare you three put Chris and Ash in danger!?

Ash Ketchum: And you punks, locked me and Chris last night! (points to Brock Lee) And one of you kicked my Pikachu!

Tigger: Yeah, you punks really crossed the line this time!

Pikachu: (angrily) Pika!!!

[Sparks fly from Pikachu's cheeks]

Brock Lee: What a freaky little pet you got there!

Ash Ketchum: (growls in anger) Nobody calls my Pikachu freaky! Pikachu shock those punks with Thunderbolt!

(Brock Lee, Leon and Danny gasp in terror.)

Brock Lee: Uh-oh!

Leon: Oh no!

Danny: We're in trouble!

Pikachu: PIKA...CHUUUUUUU!!!!

[Pikachu attacks with Thundershock attack and shocks the bullies, causing them to yell out in pain. Jennifer witness the confrontation and felt amazed. Chris, Casper, and the Ghostly Trio watch from inside while feeling amazed.)

Jennifer: (amazed) No way!

Chris and Casper: (amazed) Wow!

Stretch:(amazed) Would ya look at that, boys.

Stinkie: (amazed) Impressive.

Fatso: (amazed) Incredible!

[Leon, Danny and Brock Lee groan in pain and topple over from the electric attack]

Brock: If you punks do anything dangerous to Chris and Ash again, we'll have you three reported to Officer Jenny!

Rabbit: I will see to it that you're taken to juvenile hall if anything happens to Chris and Ash again! Is that clear, boys?!

Ash Ketchum: And don't you ever hurt my Pikachu again! Got that?!

(Brock Lee, Leon and Danny nodded their heads fearfully. Then Pooh and friends walk back inside the mansion.)

Chris: Whoa, you guys really told them.

Misty: We sure did, Chris.

Pooh Bear: Those three boys won't bother you anymore.

Casper: Wow. Ash, I didn't know your Pikachu could do that.

Ash Ketchum: Yep, Pikachu, can use his thunderbolt to shock anyone who messes with me or my friends.

Casper: That's amazing and what powerful electric shocks your Pikachu has.

Pikachu: Pika!

Stretch: We've got to hand to you, Ashy boy. It was impressive.

Stinkie: That was quite shocking.

Fatso: That's what I call shock treatment. (laughs) His powerful electric shocks are pretty strong for a little fella.

(Pooh Bear and friends laugh in amusem*nt,)

Ash Ketchum: Thanks, guys.

Stretch: Don't mention it, kiddo. (to Pikachu) You too, little fella.

Pikachu: Pika Pika.

Ash Ketchum: Would you guys care to do the honors?

Stretch: With pleasure.(to Fatso and Stinkie) Whaddaya say, boys?

(The Ghostly Trio go outside to teach Brock Lee and his friends a lesson.)

Misty: This reminds me, whatever happened to Bill Case after his plan to blow up Applegate Mansion failed?

Brock: Hmm, let's say he might end up in prison.

(Ash see's Jennifer coming.)

Ash Ketchum: Oh, here comes Jennifer.

Chris: Hide!

(Jennifer comes in and walks up to Chris and Ash.)

Jennifer: Hi, Ash, I was really amazed what your Pikachu did to Brock Lee, Leon and Danny. (petting Pikachu)

Pikachu: (blushing) Pikachu.

Ash Ketchum: That's right Jennifer, and nobody messes with my Pikachu.

Jennifer: (to Chris) Listen, about last night. Those guys were jerks, and so was I for hanging with them. Sorry.

Chris: Don't go.

Jennifer: I didn't know they locked you guys in here. Were you scared?

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I was scared. Chris and I were nearly goners.

Jennifer: (feeling sorry) Oh, Ash I'm sorry you feel that way.

Ash Ketchum: Thanks Jennifer, and I'm very proud how you ditched Brock Lee, Leon and Danny.

Piglet: Me too.

Pooh Bear: Yes, very proud.

Rabbit: You did the right thing.

Tigger: I'm glad you don't need to hang out with those punks. "Cause what they did was dumb and dangerous.

Jennifer: (smiling warmly) Aww, thanks, guys.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Ash Ketchum: (smiling warmly) You're welcome. (to Chris) What about you Chris, weren't you scared?

Chris: It is haunted, you know.

Jennifer:(In disbelief) Right.

Chris: How would you like to meet a real ghost? Say hi to Casper.

Casper: (waves to Jennifer) Hi.

Jennifer: (scared) You're a g-g...

Casper: (trying to calm Jennifer) Please don't stutter.

Jennifer: (hugs Chris' arm) Ghost!

Ash Ketchum: (calming Jennifer) It's ok, Jennifer. Casper is a friendly ghost.

Chris: (puts his arm around Jennifer) Casper, I like the effect you have on people.

(We cut to outside the mansion where Brock Lee, Leon and Danny are hung on the tree by their underwears as they cry out in defeat.)

Casper: I think I'll be an influence on the ghostly trio.

Ash Ketchum: That's cos you're friendly, Casper.

Casper: Hey, I like the sound of that. Casper the friendly wrath. No, Casper the pleasant poltergeist.

Chris: Uh, let's just stick with Casper.

Casper: The Friendly Ghost.

Ash Ketchum: That's a good title, right, Casper?

Casper: Yep, an excellent title Ash. (flies up to the camera) Boo! (he laughs in amusem*nt, winking to the audience)

(The camera fades to black.)

(The End)

Sunny‘s Adventures of Casper A Spirited Beginning/Transcript (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.